elastic_date_macros 0.5.0

Compile-time code generation for chrono date formats.

Elasticsearch Core Types Codegen

Compile-time code generation for Elasticsearch type implementations.


This crate is on crates.io.

There are two ways to reference elastic_date_macros in your projects, depending on whether you're on the stable/beta or nightly channels.


To get started, add elastic_date_macros to your Cargo.toml:

elastic_date_macros = "*"

And reference it in your crate root:

extern crate elastic_date_macros;


To get started, add elastic_date_macros to your Cargo.toml:

elastic_date_macros = { version = "*", features = "nightly" }

And reference it in your crate root:


If you're on the nightly channel, it's better to use the above plugin version with the nightly feature because the conversion of formats from strings to Items takes place at compile-time instead of runtime, saving precious runtime cycles.

This crate provides the utility macro date_fmt which can be used to build a Vec<chrono::Item> from either an elasticsearch or chrono date format.

# #![feature(plugin)]
# #![plugin(elastic_date_macros)]
# fn main() {
//A chrono-based format
let items = date_fmt!("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%.3fZ");
# }
# #![feature(plugin)]
# #![plugin(elastic_date_macros)]
# fn main() {
//An elasticsearch-based format
let items = date_fmt!("yyyyMMddTHHmmss.SSSZ");
# }
