[][src]Module elastic::types::number

Implementation of the Elasticsearch number types.

Numeric types come in a number of flavours that correspond to primitives in Rust:

Rust Elasticsearch
i64 long
i32 integer
i16 short
i8 byte
f64 double
f32 float

For mapping a number with the default mapping, you can use the Rust primitive. If you need to use a custom mapping, then there is an Elastic* type for each number.


For defining your own number mapping, see mapping details.

Map with a default number (integer in this case):

struct MyType {
    pub field: i32

Map with a custom number (integer in this case):

struct MyType {
    pub field: Integer<MyIntegerMapping>

Map a custom type as a number field (integer in this case):

struct MyIntegerField(i32);

impl IntegerFieldType<DefaultIntegerMapping> for MyIntegerField {}




Mapping for the Elasticsearch number types.


Includes all types for the number type.