[][src]Module elastic::types

Indexable documents and type mapping.

This module contains tools for defining Elasticsearch-compatible document types. Document mapping is defined using Rust traits, which are added to fields as generic parameters. This has the following benefits:

  • Your struct is the one source of truth for serialisation and mapping. There's no extra mapping function to maintain.
  • Mapping is immutable and zero-cost. You don't pay anything at runtime for having mapping metadata available.

Document and data types

Types in Elasticsearch are a combination of source and mapping. The source is the data (like 42 or "my string") and the mapping is metadata about how to interpret and use the data (like the format of a date string).

The approach elastic takes to types is to bundle the mapping up as a Zero Sized Type, which is then bound to a field type as a generic parameter. For example:

This example is not tested
some_field: Boolean<MyMapping>

The source type is boolean and the mapping is MyMapping.

Most datatypes also implement a default mapping for a common Rust type if you don't need to customise how a field is mapped:

This example is not tested
some_field: bool

See the table below for a complete list of supported datatypes and their default implementations.

Supported datatypes

The following table illustrates the types provided by elastic:

Elasticsearch Type Rust Type (Default Mapping) Crate Rust Type (Custom Mapping) Format Type
object - - type implementing DocumentType<M> -
integer i32 std Integer<M> -
long i64 std Long<M> -
short i16 std Short<M> -
byte i8 std Byte<M> -
float f32 std Float<M> -
double f64 std Double<M> -
keyword - - Keyword<M> -
text String std Text<M> -
boolean bool std Boolean<M> -
ip Ipv4Addr std Ip<M> -
date DateTime<UTC> chrono Date<M> DateFormat
geo_point Point geo GeoPoint<M> GeoPointFormat
geo_shape - geojson GeoShape<M> -


Having the mapping available at compile-time captures the fact that a mapping is static and tied to the data type.

Where there's a std type that's equivalent to an Elasticsearch type (like i32 for integer), a default mapping is implemented for that type. That means you can use primitives in your structs and have them mapped to the correct type in Elasticsearch. If you want to provide your own mapping for a std type, there's also a struct provided by elastic_types that wraps the std type but also takes an explicit mapping (like Integer which implements Deref<Target = i32>).

Where there isn't a std type available (like date), an external crate is used and an implementation of that type is provided (like Date, which implements Deref<Target = chrono::DateTime<UTC>>).


For some types (like Date), it's helpful to have an extra generic parameter that describes the way the data can be interpreted. For most types the format isn't exposed, because there aren't any alternative formats available. This is a particularly helpful feature for serialisation.


Derive document mapping

Document types must derive serde's serialisation traits. Use simple generic types to annotate your Rust structures with Elasticsearch document field mappings:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, ElasticType)]
struct MyType {
    // Mapped as an `integer` field
    // Used as the source of a document's id
    id: Keyword<DefaultKeywordMapping>,
    // Mapped as a `text` field with a `keyword` subfield
    title: String,
    // Mapped as a `date` field with an `epoch_millis` format
    timestamp: Date<DefaultDateMapping<EpochMillis>>

You can use the IndexDocumentMapping type wrapper to serialise the mapping for your document types:

let doc = MyType::index_mapping();

let mapping = serde_json::to_string(&doc)?;

This will produce the following JSON:

    "properties": {
        "id": {
            "type": "keyword"
        "title": {
            "type": "text",
            "fields": {
                "keyword": {
                    "type": "keyword",
                    "ignore_above": 256
        "timestamp": {
            "type": "date",
            "format": "epoch_millis"

See the table above for a list of all supported datatypes and how to work with them.

Define custom field data types

Use traits to define your own field types and have them mapped as one of the core datatypes. In the below example, variants of MyEnum will be serialised as a string, which we map as a non-analysed keyword in Elasticsearch:

enum MyEnum {

// Map `MyEnum` as a `keyword` in Elasticsearch, but treat it as an enum in Rust
impl KeywordFieldType<DefaultKeywordMapping> for MyEnum {}

You can then use MyEnum on any document type:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, ElasticType)]
struct MyType {
    value: MyEnum

Serialising MyTypes mapping will produce the following json:

    "properties": {
        "value": {
            "type": "keyword"



Implementation of the Elasticsearch boolean types.


Implementation of the Elasticsearch date type.


Base requirements for indexable document mappings.


Implementation of the Elasticsearch geo types.


Implementation of the Elasticsearch ip type.


Implementation of the Elasticsearch number types.


Includes all data types.


Implementation of the Elasticsearch keyword and text types.