eks-blueprints-rust-sdk 0.1.2

Rust client for EKS Blueprints gRPC API
# Rust Client for Multi Language EKS Blueprints for cdk

## Run the example
To run the example, first start the server from https://github.com/aws-quickstart/cdk-eks-blueprints/tree/blueprints-api-support
git clone https://github.com/aws-quickstart/cdk-eks-blueprints.git
cd cdk-eks-blueprints
git checkout blueprints-api-support
make run-server

Then run the rust example by cloning this repository and running with make, cargo is required
git clone https://github.com/zjaco13/multi-lang-eks-blueprints-cdk.git
cd multi-lang-eks-blueprints-cdk
make rust-example

## How to use as a package

Create a new rust project
cargo new example
cd example

Import the sdk and other dependencies
cargo add eks-blueprints-rust-sdk
cargo add tonic
cargo add tokio

Add this to a `main.rs` file
use multi_lang_eks_blueprints_rust_sdk::{
    codegen::{self, cluster_service_client::ClusterServiceClient},
use tonic::transport::Channel;

async fn main() {
    builder::run(build).await.expect("Error in build");

async fn build(client: &mut ClusterServiceClient<Channel>) -> Result<(), tonic::Status> {

Add function calls to the gRPC server in the build function to build your EKS Blueprint

Run the server
git clone https://github.com/aws-quickstart/cdk-eks-blueprints.git
cd cdk-eks-blueprints
git checkout blueprints-api-support
make run-server

Run your code
cargo run

From the server, deploy your EKS Blueprint
make deploy-server
## Contributing

### Publishing

Whenever changes are made to the protobufs, a new package will need to be released

To publish the package, first make an account on [crates.io](https://crates.io/), and you must be added to the [eks-blueprints-rust-sdk](https://crates.io/crates/eks-blueprints-rust-sdk) project

You will need an API Token.  Once you have this token, use it to login locally with this command.

cargo login

Run this command to build and publish the rust sdk crate (NOTE: It is recommended to run `cargo package` first to ensure the `.crate` file isn’t over 10MB)

cargo publish

Changes to packaging and publishing can be made by editing the `Cargo.toml` file