eio-ghosts 0.3.1

EIO GitHub Org Secrets Translation Service
# Changelog

## 0.3.1 - Dependency Updates

- (DEPENDENCY) base64 0.21.8 -> 0.22.0
- (DEPENDENCY) octocrab 0.34.1 -> 0.38.0
- (DEPENDENCY) thiserror 1.0.57 -> 1.0.58
- (BUILD-IMAGE) rust 1.75 -> 1.77
- (RUNTIME-IMAGE) bci-micro 15.5 -> 15.6

## 0.3.0 - More Consistency

- (BREAKING) `POST /v1/push/<org>/<repo>/<secret>` responses no longer include visibility and selected_repository_ids.

## 0.2.0 - Pushable Secrets

- (FEATURE) `POST /v1/push/<org>/<secret>`
- (FEATURE) `POST /v1/push/<org>/<repo>/<secret>`
- (BUILD) release profile adjusted to produce smaller binaries.
- (BUILD) Dockerfile reworked to improve caching.
- (DEPENDENCY) added "thiserror"

## 0.1.0 - Initial Release

- (FEATURE) `POST /v1/encrypt`