pub trait Painter {
    fn max_texture_side(&self) -> usize;
fn set_texture(&mut self, tex_id: TextureId, delta: &ImageDelta);
fn free_texture(&mut self, tex_id: TextureId);
fn debug_info(&self) -> String;
fn canvas_id(&self) -> &str;
fn clear(&mut self, clear_color: Rgba);
fn paint_meshes(
        &mut self,
        clipped_meshes: Vec<ClippedMesh>,
        pixels_per_point: f32
    ) -> Result<(), JsValue>;
fn name(&self) -> &'static str; fn paint_and_update_textures(
        &mut self,
        clipped_meshes: Vec<ClippedMesh>,
        pixels_per_point: f32,
        textures_delta: &TexturesDelta
    ) -> Result<(), JsValue> { ... } }

Required methods

Max size of one side of a texture.

id of the canvas html element containing the rendering

Provided methods
