egui_vulkano_backend 0.6.0

Backend code to use egui with vulkano.
egui_vulkano_backend-0.6.0 has been yanked.


Latest version Documentation Build Status dependency status MIT Apache

Backend code to run egui using vulkano.

this crate rendering only you need I/O egui integration e.g. egui_winit_platform


bit complex example

cargo run --example off_screen

We have created a simple example project to show you, how to use this crate.

cargo run --example demo

known bug


Update v0.6.0

  • parallel buffer upload
  • remove iter_vec dependency
  • proper clipping

Update v0.5.0

  • target egui 0.12.0 + vulkano 0.24.0
  • no change in this crate API, but you need to work for vulkano change

Update v0.4.1(0f00641)

  • removed egui runner

Update v0.4.0

  • target egui 0.12.0 + vulkano 0.23
  • api breaking change

Update v0.3.0

  • add egui runner
  • api breaking change see port guide
  • add new function that support recreating and initializing render area
  • target vulkano 0.22.0

Update v0.2.2

  • remove bytemuck dependency

Update v0.2.1

  • remove bug screenshot

Update v0.2.0

  • rename api
    • upload_egui_texture -> request_upload_egui_texture
    • upload_pending_textures -> wait_texture_upload
  • nonblocking image upload
  • remove temporary index and vertex alloc
  • remove uniform buffer

Update v0.1.0

  • reduce uniform buffer and descriptor set allocation (v0.1.0)
  • reduce index and vertex buffer allocation (v0.1.0)


  • remove vulkano_shader dependency extremely faster build time
  • faster index and vertex buffer allocation
  • skip render glitch mesh (index or vertices empty)


  • doesn't pass color test
  • change tab in sample at debug build cause crash.
  • in egui_demo color test scrollbar glitch

Version list

egui_vulkano_backend egui vulkano vulkano-shader(dependency) vulkano-win(if use runner)
0.0.1 0.10.0 0.20.0 0.20.0 not support
0.0.2 0.10.0 0.20.0 0.20.0 not support
0.0.3 0.10.0 0.21.0 0.21.0 not support
0.0.4 0.10.0 0.21.0 none not support
0.0.5 0.10.0 0.21.0 none not support
0.1.0 0.10.0 0.21.0 none not support
0.2.0 0.10.0 0.21.0 none not support
0.2.1 0.10.0 0.21.0 none not support
0.2.2 0.10.0 0.21.0 none not support
0.3.0 0.10.0 0.22.0 none 0.22.0
0.4.0 0.12.0 0.23.0 none 0.23.0
0.4.1 0.12.0 0.23.0 none removed
0.5.0 0.12.0 0.24.0 none removed
0.5.0 0.13 0.24 none removed


egui_vulkano_backend is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license, and the Apache License (Version 2.0). See LICENSE-APACHE , LICENSE-MIT.


  • egui_wgpu_backend developers
  • egui_winit_platform developers
  • bug reporter