egui_sdl2_gl 0.15.0

Backend for Egui to use with sdl2-rs and open gl

name = "egui_sdl2_gl"

version = "0.15.0"

authors = ["Arjun Nair <>"]

edition = "2018"

description = "Backend for Egui to use with sdl2-rs and open gl"

homepage = ""

license = "MIT"

readme = ""

repository = ""

categories = ["gui", "graphics"]

keywords = ["sdl2", "opengl", "egui", "gui", "gamedev"]

include = ["**/*.rs", "Cargo.toml"]

# build = ""


gl = "0.14.0"

egui = "0.15.0"

sdl2 = "0.34.5"


version = "0.7"

optional = true


clipboard = ["copypasta"]

sdl2_unsafe_textures = ["sdl2/unsafe_textures"]

sdl2_gfx = ["sdl2/gfx"]

sdl2_mixer = ["sdl2/mixer"]

sdl2_image = ["sdl2/image"]

sdl2_ttf = ["sdl2/ttf"]

# SDL2 build features

sdl2_use-bindgen = ["sdl2/use-bindgen"]

sdl2_use-pkgconfig = ["sdl2/use-pkgconfig"]

sdl2_use-vcpkg = ["sdl2/use-vcpkg"]

sdl2_use-mac_framework = ["sdl2/use_mac_framework"]

sdl2_bundled = ["sdl2/bundled"]

sdl2_static-link = ["sdl2/static-link"]


egui_demo_lib = "0.15"