egui_sdl2_gl 0.1.8

Backend for Egui to use with sdl2-rs and open gl

mod painter;

pub use painter::Painter;

use {
    sdl2::{event::WindowEvent, mouse::MouseButton, mouse::SystemCursor, keyboard::{Keycode, Mod} }

use clipboard::ClipboardContext; // TODO: remove

pub struct EguiInputState {
    pub pointer_pos: Pos2,
    pub clipboard: Option<ClipboardContext>,
    pub input: RawInput,
    pub modifiers: Modifiers

impl EguiInputState {
    pub fn new(input: RawInput) -> Self {
        EguiInputState {
            pointer_pos: Pos2::new(0f32, 0f32),
            clipboard: init_clipboard(),
            modifiers: Modifiers::default()

pub fn input_to_egui(
    event: sdl2::event::Event,
    state: &mut EguiInputState
) {
    use sdl2::event::Event::*;

    match event {
        //Only the window resize event is handled
        Window {win_event: WindowEvent::Resized(width, height), ..} => {
                    state.input.screen_rect = Some(Rect::from_min_size(Pos2::new(0f32, 0f32), egui::vec2(width as f32, height as f32) / state.input.pixels_per_point.unwrap()))

        //MouseButonLeft pressed is the only one needed by egui
        MouseButtonDown {mouse_btn, .. } => {
                pos: state.pointer_pos,
                button: match mouse_btn {
                    MouseButton::Left => egui::PointerButton::Primary,
                    MouseButton::Right => egui::PointerButton::Secondary,
                    MouseButton::Middle => egui::PointerButton::Middle,
                    _ => unreachable!(),
                pressed: true,
                modifiers: state.modifiers,

        //MouseButonLeft pressed is the only one needed by egui
        MouseButtonUp {mouse_btn, .. } => {
                pos: state.pointer_pos,
                button: match mouse_btn {
                    MouseButton::Left => egui::PointerButton::Primary,
                    MouseButton::Right => egui::PointerButton::Secondary,
                    MouseButton::Middle => egui::PointerButton::Middle,
                    _ => unreachable!(),
                pressed: false,
                modifiers: state.modifiers,

        MouseMotion {x, y, .. } => {
            state.pointer_pos = pos2(
                x as f32 / state.input.pixels_per_point.unwrap(),
                y as f32 / state.input.pixels_per_point.unwrap(),
        KeyUp {keycode, keymod, .. } => {
            if let Some(key) = translate_virtual_key_code(keycode.unwrap()) {
                state.modifiers = Modifiers {
                    alt: (keymod & Mod::LALTMOD == Mod::LALTMOD) || (keymod & Mod::RALTMOD == Mod::RALTMOD),
                    ctrl:  (keymod & Mod::LCTRLMOD == Mod::LCTRLMOD) || (keymod & Mod::RCTRLMOD == Mod::RCTRLMOD),
                    shift:  (keymod & Mod::LSHIFTMOD == Mod::LSHIFTMOD) || (keymod & Mod::RSHIFTMOD == Mod::RSHIFTMOD),
                    mac_cmd: keymod & Mod::LGUIMOD == Mod::LGUIMOD,

                    //TOD: Test on both windows and mac
                    command:  (keymod & Mod::LCTRLMOD == Mod::LCTRLMOD) || (keymod & Mod::LGUIMOD == Mod::LGUIMOD)

                if state.modifiers.command && key == Key::C {
                    println!("copy event");
                else if state.modifiers.command && key == Key::X {
                    println!("cut event");
                else if state.modifiers.command && key == Key::V {
                    if let Some(clipboard) = state.clipboard.as_mut() {
                        match clipboard.get_contents() {
                            Ok(contents) => {
                            Err(err) => {
                                eprintln!("Paste error: {}", err);
                else {
                        pressed: false,
                        modifiers: state.modifiers

        KeyDown {keycode, keymod, .. } => {
            if let Some(key) = translate_virtual_key_code(keycode.unwrap()) {
                state.modifiers = Modifiers {
                    alt: (keymod & Mod::LALTMOD == Mod::LALTMOD) || (keymod & Mod::RALTMOD == Mod::RALTMOD),
                    ctrl:  (keymod & Mod::LCTRLMOD == Mod::LCTRLMOD) || (keymod & Mod::RCTRLMOD == Mod::RCTRLMOD),
                    shift:  (keymod & Mod::LSHIFTMOD == Mod::LSHIFTMOD) || (keymod & Mod::RSHIFTMOD == Mod::RSHIFTMOD),
                    mac_cmd: keymod & Mod::LGUIMOD == Mod::LGUIMOD,

                    //TOD: Test on both windows and mac
                    command:  (keymod & Mod::LCTRLMOD == Mod::LCTRLMOD) || (keymod & Mod::LGUIMOD == Mod::LGUIMOD)

                    pressed: true,
                    modifiers: state.modifiers

        TextInput {text, .. } => {

        MouseWheel { x, y, .. } => {
            state.input.scroll_delta = vec2(x as f32, y as f32);

        _ => {

pub fn translate_virtual_key_code(key: sdl2::keyboard::Keycode) -> Option<egui::Key> {
    use Keycode::*;

    Some(match key {
        Left => Key::ArrowLeft,
        Up => Key::ArrowUp,
        Right => Key::ArrowRight,
        Down => Key::ArrowDown,

        Escape => Key::Escape,
        Tab => Key::Tab,
        Backspace => Key::Backspace,
        Space => Key::Space,
        Return => Key::Enter,
        Insert => Key::Insert,
        Home => Key::Home,
        Delete => Key::Delete,
        End => Key::End,
        PageDown => Key::PageDown,
        PageUp => Key::PageUp,
        Kp0 | Num0 => Key::Num0,
        Kp1 | Num1 => Key::Num1,
        Kp2 | Num2 => Key::Num2,
        Kp3 | Num3 => Key::Num3,
        Kp4 | Num4 => Key::Num4,
        Kp5 | Num5 => Key::Num5,
        Kp6 | Num6 => Key::Num6,
        Kp7 | Num7 => Key::Num7,
        Kp8 | Num8 => Key::Num8,
        Kp9 | Num9 => Key::Num9,
        A => Key::A,
        B => Key::B,
        C => Key::C,
        D => Key::D,
        E => Key::E,
        F => Key::F,
        G => Key::G,
        H => Key::H,
        I => Key::I,
        J => Key::J,
        K => Key::K,
        L => Key::L,
        M => Key::M,
        N => Key::N,
        O => Key::O,
        P => Key::P,
        Q => Key::Q,
        R => Key::R,
        S => Key::S,
        T => Key::T,
        U => Key::U,
        V => Key::V,
        W => Key::W,
        X => Key::X,
        Y => Key::Y,
        Z => Key::Z,

        _ => {
            return None;

pub fn translate_cursor(cursor_icon: egui::CursorIcon) -> sdl2::mouse::SystemCursor{
    match cursor_icon {
        CursorIcon::Default => SystemCursor::Arrow,
        CursorIcon::PointingHand => SystemCursor::Hand,
        CursorIcon::ResizeHorizontal => SystemCursor::SizeWE,
        CursorIcon::ResizeNeSw => SystemCursor::SizeNESW,
        CursorIcon::ResizeNwSe => SystemCursor::SizeNWSE,
        CursorIcon::ResizeVertical => SystemCursor::SizeNS,
        CursorIcon::Text => SystemCursor::IBeam,

        //There doesn't seem to be a suitable SDL equivalent...
        CursorIcon::Grab => SystemCursor::Hand,
        CursorIcon::Grabbing => SystemCursor::Hand

pub fn init_clipboard() -> Option<ClipboardContext> {
    match ClipboardContext::new() {
        Ok(clipboard) => Some(clipboard),
        Err(err) => {
            eprintln!("Failed to initialize clipboard: {}", err);

pub fn copy_to_clipboard(egui_state: &mut EguiInputState, copy_text: String) {
    if let Some(clipboard) = egui_state.clipboard.as_mut() {
        let result = clipboard.set_contents(copy_text);
        if result.is_err() {
            dbg!("Unable to set clipboard content.");