egui_glfw 0.55.1

OpenGL backend for egui using GLFW


Why this fork?

We all know, egui_glfw_gl is now archived, And you can not add it to the latest version of a glfw project. Here all of that is fixed, you can just install at and everything is ready to go!

Thanks to cohaereo for making such a useful crate!

Latest version MIT

Example screenshot

This is a backend implementation for Egui that can be used with Rust bindings for GLFW and OpenGL.


To add the crate you can simply do:

$ cargo add egui_glfw

And done, Congrats!


To run the example demo you just need to write the following command:

$ cargo run --example demo


egui_glfw is a fork off egui_glfw_gl and based off egui_sdl2_gl, created by ArjunNair