egui_dock 0.1.0

Docking support for `egui`

egui_dock: docking support for egui

Credit goes to @Iain-dono for implementing the actual library.

This fork aims to provide documentation and further development if necessary.




First, create your context type and your tab widget:

use egui::{Frame, Ui, style::Margin};
use egui_dock::Tab;

struct MyContext;

struct MyTab {
    text: String,

impl MyTab {
    fn new(text: impl ToString) -> Self {
        Self {
            text: text.to_string(),

impl Tab<MyContext> for MyTab {
    fn title(&self) -> &str {

    fn ui(&mut self, ui: &mut Ui, _ctx: &mut MyContext) {
        let margin = Margin::same(4.0);

        Frame::none().inner_margin(margin).show(ui, |ui| {

Then construct the initial tree using your tab widget:

use egui_dock::{NodeIndex, Tree};

let tab1 = Box::new(MyTab::new("Tab 1"));
let tab2 = Box::new(MyTab::new("Tab 2"));
let tab3 = Box::new(MyTab::new("Tab 3"));
let tab4 = Box::new(MyTab::new("Tab 4"));
let tab5 = Box::new(MyTab::new("Tab 5"));

let mut tree = Tree::new(vec![tab1, tab2]);

// You can modify the tree in runtime
let [a, b] = tree.split_left(NodeIndex::root(), 0.3, vec![tab3]);
let [_, _] = tree.split_below(a, 0.7, vec![tab4]);
let [_, _] = tree.split_below(b, 0.5, vec![tab5]);

Finally, you can show the tree.

let id =;
egui_dock::show(&mut ui, id, style, tree, context);


Feel free to open issues and pull requests.