egui 0.20.1

An easy-to-use immediate mode GUI that runs on both web and native
use crate::{area, window, Id, IdMap, InputState, LayerId, Pos2, Rect, Style};

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// The data that egui persists between frames.
/// This includes window positions and sizes,
/// how far the user has scrolled in a [`ScrollArea`](crate::ScrollArea) etc.
/// If you want this to persist when closing your app you should serialize [`Memory`] and store it.
/// For this you need to enable the `persistence`.
/// If you want to store data for your widgets, you should look at [`Memory::data`]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "persistence", derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "persistence", serde(default))]
pub struct Memory {
    pub options: Options,

    /// This map stores some superficial state for all widgets with custom [`Id`]s.
    /// This includes storing if a [`crate::CollapsingHeader`] is open, how far scrolled a
    /// [`crate::ScrollArea`] is, where the cursor in a [`crate::TextEdit`] is, etc.
    /// This is NOT meant to store any important data. Store that in your own structures!
    /// Each read clones the data, so keep your values cheap to clone.
    /// If you want to store a lot of data you should wrap it in `Arc<Mutex<…>>` so it is cheap to clone.
    /// This will be saved between different program runs if you use the `persistence` feature.
    /// To store a state common for all your widgets (a singleton), use [`Id::null`] as the key.
    pub data: crate::util::IdTypeMap,

    // ------------------------------------------
    /// Can be used to cache computations from one frame to another.
    /// This is for saving CPU when you have something that may take 1-100ms to compute.
    /// Things that are very slow (>100ms) should instead be done async (i.e. in another thread)
    /// so as not to lock the UI thread.
    /// ```
    /// use egui::util::cache::{ComputerMut, FrameCache};
    /// #[derive(Default)]
    /// struct CharCounter {}
    /// impl ComputerMut<&str, usize> for CharCounter {
    ///     fn compute(&mut self, s: &str) -> usize {
    ///         s.chars().count() // you probably want to cache something more expensive than this
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// type CharCountCache<'a> = FrameCache<usize, CharCounter>;
    /// # let mut ctx = egui::Context::default();
    /// let mut memory = ctx.memory();
    /// let cache = memory.caches.cache::<CharCountCache<'_>>();
    /// assert_eq!(cache.get("hello"), 5);
    /// ```
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "persistence", serde(skip))]
    pub caches: crate::util::cache::CacheStorage,

    // ------------------------------------------
    /// new scale that will be applied at the start of the next frame
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "persistence", serde(skip))]
    pub(crate) new_pixels_per_point: Option<f32>,

    /// new fonts that will be applied at the start of the next frame
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "persistence", serde(skip))]
    pub(crate) new_font_definitions: Option<epaint::text::FontDefinitions>,

    #[cfg_attr(feature = "persistence", serde(skip))]
    pub(crate) interaction: Interaction,

    #[cfg_attr(feature = "persistence", serde(skip))]
    pub(crate) window_interaction: Option<window::WindowInteraction>,

    #[cfg_attr(feature = "persistence", serde(skip))]
    pub(crate) drag_value: crate::widgets::drag_value::MonoState,

    pub(crate) areas: Areas,

    /// Which popup-window is open (if any)?
    /// Could be a combo box, color picker, menu etc.
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "persistence", serde(skip))]
    popup: Option<Id>,

    #[cfg_attr(feature = "persistence", serde(skip))]
    everything_is_visible: bool,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// Some global options that you can read and write.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(default))]
pub struct Options {
    /// The default style for new [`Ui`](crate::Ui):s.
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip))]
    pub(crate) style: std::sync::Arc<Style>,

    /// Controls the tessellator.
    pub tessellation_options: epaint::TessellationOptions,

    /// This does not at all change the behavior of egui,
    /// but is a signal to any backend that we want the [`crate::PlatformOutput::events`] read out loud.
    /// Screen readers is an experimental feature of egui, and not supported on all platforms.
    pub screen_reader: bool,

    /// If true, the most common glyphs (ASCII) are pre-rendered to the texture atlas.
    /// Only the fonts in [`Style::text_styles`] will be pre-cached.
    /// This can lead to fewer texture operations, but may use up the texture atlas quicker
    /// if you are changing [`Style::text_styles`], of have a lot of text styles.
    pub preload_font_glyphs: bool,

impl Default for Options {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            style: Default::default(),
            tessellation_options: Default::default(),
            screen_reader: false,
            preload_font_glyphs: true,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// Say there is a button in a scroll area.
/// If the user clicks the button, the button should click.
/// If the user drags the button we should scroll the scroll area.
/// So what we do is that when the mouse is pressed we register both the button
/// and the scroll area (as `click_id`/`drag_id`).
/// If the user releases the button without moving the mouse we register it as a click on `click_id`.
/// If the cursor moves too much we clear the `click_id` and start passing move events to `drag_id`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct Interaction {
    /// A widget interested in clicks that has a mouse press on it.
    pub click_id: Option<Id>,

    /// A widget interested in drags that has a mouse press on it.
    pub drag_id: Option<Id>,

    pub focus: Focus,

    /// HACK: windows have low priority on dragging.
    /// This is so that if you drag a slider in a window,
    /// the slider will steal the drag away from the window.
    /// This is needed because we do window interaction first (to prevent frame delay),
    /// and then do content layout.
    pub drag_is_window: bool,

    /// Any interest in catching clicks this frame?
    /// Cleared to false at start of each frame.
    pub click_interest: bool,

    /// Any interest in catching clicks this frame?
    /// Cleared to false at start of each frame.
    pub drag_interest: bool,

/// Keeps tracks of what widget has keyboard focus
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct Focus {
    /// The widget with keyboard focus (i.e. a text input field).
    pub(crate) id: Option<Id>,

    /// What had keyboard focus previous frame?
    id_previous_frame: Option<Id>,

    /// Give focus to this widget next frame
    id_next_frame: Option<Id>,

    #[cfg(feature = "accesskit")]
    id_requested_by_accesskit: Option<accesskit::NodeId>,

    /// If set, the next widget that is interested in focus will automatically get it.
    /// Probably because the user pressed Tab.
    give_to_next: bool,

    /// The last widget interested in focus.
    last_interested: Option<Id>,

    /// If `true`, pressing tab will NOT move focus away from the current widget.
    is_focus_locked: bool,

    /// Set at the beginning of the frame, set to `false` when "used".
    pressed_tab: bool,

    /// Set at the beginning of the frame, set to `false` when "used".
    pressed_shift_tab: bool,

impl Interaction {
    /// Are we currently clicking or dragging an egui widget?
    pub fn is_using_pointer(&self) -> bool {
        self.click_id.is_some() || self.drag_id.is_some()

    fn begin_frame(
        &mut self,
        prev_input: &crate::input_state::InputState,
        new_input: &crate::data::input::RawInput,
    ) {
        self.click_interest = false;
        self.drag_interest = false;

        if !prev_input.pointer.could_any_button_be_click() {
            self.click_id = None;

        if !prev_input.pointer.any_down() || prev_input.pointer.latest_pos().is_none() {
            // pointer button was not down last frame
            self.click_id = None;
            self.drag_id = None;


impl Focus {
    /// Which widget currently has keyboard focus?
    pub fn focused(&self) -> Option<Id> {

    fn begin_frame(&mut self, new_input: &crate::data::input::RawInput) {
        self.id_previous_frame =;
        if let Some(id) = self.id_next_frame.take() {
   = Some(id);

        #[cfg(feature = "accesskit")]
            self.id_requested_by_accesskit = None;

        self.pressed_tab = false;
        self.pressed_shift_tab = false;
        for event in & {
            if matches!(
                crate::Event::Key {
                    key: crate::Key::Escape,
                    pressed: true,
                    modifiers: _,
            ) {
       = None;
                self.is_focus_locked = false;

            if let crate::Event::Key {
                key: crate::Key::Tab,
                pressed: true,
            } = event
                if !self.is_focus_locked {
                    if modifiers.shift {
                        self.pressed_shift_tab = true;
                    } else {
                        self.pressed_tab = true;

            #[cfg(feature = "accesskit")]
                if let crate::Event::AccessKitActionRequest(accesskit::ActionRequest {
                    action: accesskit::Action::Focus,
                    data: None,
                }) = event
                    self.id_requested_by_accesskit = Some(*target);

    pub(crate) fn end_frame(&mut self, used_ids: &IdMap<Rect>) {
        if let Some(id) = {
            // Allow calling `request_focus` one frame and not using it until next frame
            let recently_gained_focus = self.id_previous_frame != Some(id);

            if !recently_gained_focus && !used_ids.contains_key(&id) {
                // Dead-mans-switch: the widget with focus has disappeared!
       = None;

    pub(crate) fn had_focus_last_frame(&self, id: Id) -> bool {
        self.id_previous_frame == Some(id)

    fn interested_in_focus(&mut self, id: Id) {
        #[cfg(feature = "accesskit")]
            if self.id_requested_by_accesskit == Some(id.accesskit_id()) {
       = Some(id);
                self.id_requested_by_accesskit = None;
                self.give_to_next = false;
                self.pressed_tab = false;
                self.pressed_shift_tab = false;

        if self.give_to_next && !self.had_focus_last_frame(id) {
   = Some(id);
            self.give_to_next = false;
        } else if == Some(id) {
            if self.pressed_tab && !self.is_focus_locked {
       = None;
                self.give_to_next = true;
                self.pressed_tab = false;
            } else if self.pressed_shift_tab && !self.is_focus_locked {
                self.id_next_frame = self.last_interested; // frame-delay so gained_focus works
                self.pressed_shift_tab = false;
        } else if self.pressed_tab && && !self.give_to_next {
            // nothing has focus and the user pressed tab - give focus to the first widgets that wants it:
   = Some(id);
            self.pressed_tab = false;

        self.last_interested = Some(id);

impl Memory {
    pub(crate) fn begin_frame(
        &mut self,
        prev_input: &crate::input_state::InputState,
        new_input: &crate::data::input::RawInput,
    ) {
        self.interaction.begin_frame(prev_input, new_input);

        if !prev_input.pointer.any_down() {
            self.window_interaction = None;

    pub(crate) fn end_frame(&mut self, input: &InputState, used_ids: &IdMap<Rect>) {

    /// Top-most layer at the given position.
    pub fn layer_id_at(&self, pos: Pos2, resize_interact_radius_side: f32) -> Option<LayerId> {
        self.areas.layer_id_at(pos, resize_interact_radius_side)

    /// An iterator over all layers. Back-to-front. Top is last.
    pub fn layer_ids(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = LayerId> + '_ {

    pub(crate) fn had_focus_last_frame(&self, id: Id) -> bool {
        self.interaction.focus.id_previous_frame == Some(id)

    /// True if the given widget had keyboard focus last frame, but not this one.
    pub(crate) fn lost_focus(&self, id: Id) -> bool {
        self.had_focus_last_frame(id) && !self.has_focus(id)

    /// True if the given widget has keyboard focus this frame, but didn't last frame.
    pub(crate) fn gained_focus(&self, id: Id) -> bool {
        !self.had_focus_last_frame(id) && self.has_focus(id)

    /// Does this widget have keyboard focus?
    /// This function does not consider whether the UI as a whole (e.g. window)
    /// has the keyboard focus. That makes this function suitable for deciding
    /// widget state that should not be disrupted if the user moves away
    /// from the window and back.
    pub fn has_focus(&self, id: Id) -> bool { == Some(id)

    /// Which widget has keyboard focus?
    pub fn focus(&self) -> Option<Id> {

    /// Prevent keyboard focus from moving away from this widget even if users presses the tab key.
    /// You must first give focus to the widget before calling this.
    pub fn lock_focus(&mut self, id: Id, lock_focus: bool) {
        if self.had_focus_last_frame(id) && self.has_focus(id) {
            self.interaction.focus.is_focus_locked = lock_focus;

    /// Is the keyboard focus locked on this widget? If so the focus won't move even if the user presses the tab key.
    pub fn has_lock_focus(&mut self, id: Id) -> bool {
        if self.had_focus_last_frame(id) && self.has_focus(id) {
        } else {

    /// Give keyboard focus to a specific widget.
    /// See also [`crate::Response::request_focus`].
    pub fn request_focus(&mut self, id: Id) { = Some(id);
        self.interaction.focus.is_focus_locked = false;

    /// Surrender keyboard focus for a specific widget.
    /// See also [`crate::Response::surrender_focus`].
    pub fn surrender_focus(&mut self, id: Id) {
        if == Some(id) {
   = None;
            self.interaction.focus.is_focus_locked = false;

    /// Register this widget as being interested in getting keyboard focus.
    /// This will allow the user to select it with tab and shift-tab.
    /// This is normally done automatically when handling interactions,
    /// but it is sometimes useful to pre-register interest in focus,
    /// e.g. before deciding which type of underlying widget to use,
    /// as in the [`crate::DragValue`] widget, so a widget can be focused
    /// and rendered correctly in a single frame.
    pub fn interested_in_focus(&mut self, id: Id) {

    /// Stop editing of active [`TextEdit`](crate::TextEdit) (if any).
    pub fn stop_text_input(&mut self) { = None;

    pub fn is_anything_being_dragged(&self) -> bool {

    pub fn is_being_dragged(&self, id: Id) -> bool {
        self.interaction.drag_id == Some(id)

    pub fn set_dragged_id(&mut self, id: Id) {
        self.interaction.drag_id = Some(id);

    /// Forget window positions, sizes etc.
    /// Can be used to auto-layout windows.
    pub fn reset_areas(&mut self) {
        self.areas = Default::default();

/// ## Popups
/// Popups are things like combo-boxes, color pickers, menus etc.
/// Only one can be be open at a time.
impl Memory {
    pub fn is_popup_open(&self, popup_id: Id) -> bool {
        self.popup == Some(popup_id) || self.everything_is_visible()

    pub fn open_popup(&mut self, popup_id: Id) {
        self.popup = Some(popup_id);

    pub fn close_popup(&mut self) {
        self.popup = None;

    pub fn toggle_popup(&mut self, popup_id: Id) {
        if self.is_popup_open(popup_id) {
        } else {

    /// If true, all windows, menus, tooltips etc are to be visible at once.
    /// This is useful for testing, benchmarking, pre-caching, etc.
    /// Experimental feature!
    pub fn everything_is_visible(&self) -> bool {

    /// If true, all windows, menus, tooltips etc are to be visible at once.
    /// This is useful for testing, benchmarking, pre-caching, etc.
    /// Experimental feature!
    pub fn set_everything_is_visible(&mut self, value: bool) {
        self.everything_is_visible = value;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// Keeps track of [`Area`](crate::containers::area::Area)s, which are free-floating [`Ui`](crate::Ui)s.
/// These [`Area`](crate::containers::area::Area)s can be in any [`Order`](crate::Order).
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(default))]
pub struct Areas {
    areas: IdMap<area::State>,
    /// Back-to-front. Top is last.
    order: Vec<LayerId>,
    visible_last_frame: ahash::HashSet<LayerId>,
    visible_current_frame: ahash::HashSet<LayerId>,

    /// When an area want to be on top, it is put in here.
    /// At the end of the frame, this is used to reorder the layers.
    /// This means if several layers want to be on top, they will keep their relative order.
    /// So if you close three windows and then reopen them all in one frame,
    /// they will all be sent to the top, but keep their previous internal order.
    wants_to_be_on_top: ahash::HashSet<LayerId>,

impl Areas {
    pub(crate) fn count(&self) -> usize {

    pub(crate) fn get(&self, id: Id) -> Option<&area::State> {

    /// Back-to-front. Top is last.
    pub(crate) fn order(&self) -> &[LayerId] {

    pub(crate) fn set_state(&mut self, layer_id: LayerId, state: area::State) {
        self.areas.insert(, state);
        if !self.order.iter().any(|x| *x == layer_id) {

    /// Top-most layer at the given position.
    pub fn layer_id_at(&self, pos: Pos2, resize_interact_radius_side: f32) -> Option<LayerId> {
        for layer in self.order.iter().rev() {
            if self.is_visible(layer) {
                if let Some(state) = self.areas.get(& {
                    let mut rect = state.rect();
                    if state.interactable {
                        // Allow us to resize by dragging just outside the window:
                        rect = rect.expand(resize_interact_radius_side);
                        if rect.contains(pos) {
                            return Some(*layer);

    pub fn visible_last_frame(&self, layer_id: &LayerId) -> bool {

    pub fn is_visible(&self, layer_id: &LayerId) -> bool {
        self.visible_last_frame.contains(layer_id) || self.visible_current_frame.contains(layer_id)

    pub fn visible_layer_ids(&self) -> ahash::HashSet<LayerId> {

    pub(crate) fn visible_windows(&self) -> Vec<&area::State> {
            .filter(|layer| layer.order == crate::Order::Middle)
            .filter_map(|layer| self.get(

    pub fn move_to_top(&mut self, layer_id: LayerId) {

        if !self.order.iter().any(|x| *x == layer_id) {

    pub(crate) fn end_frame(&mut self) {
        let Self {
        } = self;

        std::mem::swap(visible_last_frame, visible_current_frame);
        order.sort_by_key(|layer| (layer.order, wants_to_be_on_top.contains(layer)));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

fn memory_impl_send_sync() {
    fn assert_send_sync<T: Send + Sync>() {}