egobox-gp 0.22.0

A library for gaussian process modeling

Gaussian processes docs

egobox-gp provides a Rust implementation of gaussian process regression. It is a Rust port of some kriging algorithms of the SMT Python library.

The big picture

egobox-gp is a library crate in the top-level package egobox.

Current state

egobox-gp currently provides a Gaussian Process implementation with the following features:

  • Regression model choice: constant, linear or quadratic
  • Correlation model (kernel) choice: squared exponential, absolute exponential, matern 3/2, matern 5/2
  • Handling of high dimensional problem using PLS (linfa-pls)


There is an usage example in the examples/ directory. To run, use:

$ cargo run --release --example kriging


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0