
EGLI - EGL Interface for Rust

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What is EGL

EGL is a window system-independent equivalent to the GLX and WGL APIs, which respectively enable OpenGL support in X and Microsoft Windows. It is an interface between Khronos rendering APIs such as OpenGL ES or OpenVG and the underlying native platform window system. It handles graphics context management, surface/buffer binding, and rendering synchronization and enables high-performance, accelerated, mixed-mode 2D and 3D rendering using other Khronos APIs.

Why use EGL

Many libraries such as SDL already do what EGL does. Usually they are using EGL behind the scenes. So EGL makes sense if:

  • You obtained window/display handle by other means.
  • You need to initialize OpenGL ES.
  • You have another OpenGL library that needs to call get_proc_address which EGL provides.
  • You need a way to swap buffers at the end of the scene which EGL provides.
  • Your platform has EGL library to link to (usually it is Android/Linux, maybe Windows).

EGLI Details

Browse documentation here.

EGLI has two abstraction levels.

Lower level EGL can be found in egl namespace. The higher level types are in the root egli namespace.

Lower Level EGL Interface

Lower level interface is very close to raw ffi, but with error handling and unsafety removed (except few special cases).

Higher Level EGL Interface

EGLI has RAII wrappers for concepts such as Surface, Display or Context. Such structs are clearly marked as RAII in the documentation, because the user MUST be aware of resource destruction when these structs go out of scope.

This library does not try to be safe and reference-count the resources. Instead, the user must manage destruction order manually.

In the following example, the Display will be destroyed last, at the end of scope:

let display = egli::Display::from_default_display()
                      .expect("failed to get EGL display");
let surface = display.create_window_surface(config, native_window)
                     .expect("failed to create surface");

// at the end of scope the surface will be droped
// and then the display will be droped

// the resources will be freed in this exact order

If then display and surface are stored in some other struct, care must be taken to use an order which is reverse of creation:

let window_info = DisplayAndSurface {
    surface: surface,
    display: display,

Also, an RC wrapper can be easily written which takes care of these dependencies as needed by application. This kind of thing is out of scope of this library.

Using both Higher and Lower Level interfaces

All the RAII objects can be created directly from handles, and all of them have forget() method that returns the handle and disables RAII drop function.

In the following example, the display is terminated with lower level EGL call instead of the end-of-scope drop:

let display = egli::Display::from_default_display()
                            .expect("failed to get EGL display");

let display_handle = display.forget();

egli::egl::terminate(display_handle) // display is terminated
    .expect("failed to terminate display");

// the display's drop won't run because the forget() was called


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