Macro egg::test_fn

source ·
macro_rules! test_fn {
        $name:ident, $rules:expr,
        $(runner = $runner:expr,)?
        $($goal:literal),+ $(,)?
        $(@check $check_fn:expr)?
    ) => { ... };
Expand description

Utility to make a test proving expressions equivalent


egg::test_fn! {
    // name of the generated test function
    // the rules to use
        rewrite!("my_silly_rewrite"; "(foo ?a)" => "(bar ?a)"),
        rewrite!("my_other_rewrite"; "(bar ?a)" => "(baz ?a)"),
    // the `runner = ...` is optional
    // if included, this must come right after the rules
    runner = Runner::<SymbolLang, (), _>::default(),
    // the initial expression
    "(foo 1)" =>
    // 1 or more goal expressions, all of which will be check to be
    // equivalent to the initial one
    "(bar 1)",
    "(baz 1)",