egg-mode 0.1.1

Library to interact with the Twitter API


another twitter library for rust

This is an early library for interacting with Twitter. So far the only thing I've implemented is getting an access token and looking up a user. The aim with this is complete integration with Twitter's v1.1 API.

To authenticate a user and request an access token:

extern crate egg_mode;

let consumer_token = egg_mode::Token::new(consumer_key, consumer_secret);
let request_token = egg_mode::request_token(&consumer_token, "oob").unwrap();
let authorize_url = egg_mode::authorize_url(&request_token);

//show authorize_url to the user, have them sign in to Twitter there, and enter the PIN that
//Twitter gives them

let (access_token, user_id, username) = egg_mode::access_token(&consumer_token, &request_token, pin).unwrap();

As the last line shows, this also returns the User ID and username of the user that authenticated with your application. With this access token, all of the other Twitter functions become available.

The file examples/ shows the process of loading an access token and using that to show some information about the authenticated user.


This library is licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.