efm32gg-hal 0.1.0

HAL for the EFM32GG (EFM32 Giant Gecko) family of microcontrollers


This is an implementation of the embedded-hal API for Silicon Labs EFM32 Giant Gecko devices.

It is based on the svd2rust generated efm32gg990 crate, but is usable for all EFM32GG chips. (All Gecko chips share a common peripheral description document that is the main information source of this implementation; their data sheets give individual numbers and addresses of peripherals, but it appears they are all a strict superset of the largest Giant Gecko chips).

It might even be usable for other devices of the Gecko series (they have separate peripheral documentation, but it appears that many peripherals are just copied over); probably, this library will be developed into a generic efm32-hal library that implements all of the variation there is.

State of implementation

This is very immature software. So far, only GPIO pins are described in terms of the HAL's digital interface.


Please see the EFM32GG-STK3700 board crate for examples.


This is licensed under the Apache License or the MIT License at the your option. By contributing to this project, you license your contribution under the same dual-licensed terms unless the contribution itself says otherwise.