eeprom25aa02e48 0.1.0

Platform-agnostic Rust driver for the 25AA02E48 EEPROM.

Maintenance Build Status


Inspired by eeprom24x-rs, this is a driver for the Microchip 25AA02E48 SPI EEPROM, based on the embedded-hal traits.

This EEPROM is unique because it has an EUI-48 MAC address programmed into the EEPROM, which is convient for creating internet connected devices with valid MAC addresses.

FTDI Example

The FTDI example uses a FT232H USB to SPI device to develop the drivers without the use of a microcontroller.

One-time device setup instructions can be found in the libftd2xx crate.

With the adafruit FT232H breakout create the following connections:

  • Connect SCK to D0
  • Connect MOSI to D1
  • Connect MISO to D2
  • Connect CS to D3
  • Connect Vdd to 3.3V or 5V
  • Connect Vss to GND

Run the example with cargo run --example ftdi.