
This struct exists exclusively for serializing State’s to disk without including all_bytes. If more entries end up in State that need to be saved off, change this struct to reflect them.






TODO Per IsADirectory isn’t available yet. Check against it when it is.

When printing [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] on a width of 3, the maximum 0-up line number is 3. This function returns that calculation. See test_max_bytes_line for examples

Returns new index

.len gives the number of bytes .chars.count() gives the number of characters (which counts è as two characters. The human concept is unicode “graphemes” or “glyphs” defined to be what think they are.

Per XDG Base Directory Specification, dotfiles should go to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME if it exists, and $HOME/.config if it doesn’t.

Per XDG Base Directory Specification, state files should go to $XDG_STATE_HOME if it exists, and $HOME/.local/state if it doesn’t.