ed_join 1.1.0

A Rust Implemtation of Ed-Join Algorithm for string similarity join

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This is an implementation of Ed-join Algorithm proposed by Xiao et al. (2008) in Rust programming language. There're two major deviation from the original paper:

  1. In this implementation I used parallel iteratiors instead of matching strings with a single thread.
  2. I created an inverted index before the actual matching, while the paper generates an inverted index on-the-fly.

On a system with Intel i7-8700k and 32 GB ram, the program performed a self-match on a file with 1000 lines in 5 seconds. Note that, this algorithm excels at matching long records, and the aforementioned testfile has rather short lines.


To add this crate as a dependency, add it into your Cargo.toml or execute cargo add ed_join.

This crate also comes with an binary ed-join, which could be installed with cargo install ed_join --features cli.


  • Xiao, Chuan, Wei Wang, and Xuemin Lin. "Ed-join: an efficient algorithm for similarity joins with edit distance constraints." Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 1.1 (2008): 933-944.

License: Apache-2.0 AND MIT