ecvrf 0.1.1

A curve25519+SHA3 verifiable random function


VRFs (Verifiable random functions) are great tools in decentralized systems because they can introduce random oracles into a protocol without the fear of data manipulation from a trusted party. These oracle functions are proven to be as hard to manipulate as breaking a particular cryptographic trapdoor.

See more in Micali's groundbreaking publication:

This elliptic curve instantiation was originally subject to exhaustive research in order to improve DNSSEC and proven to have the Trusted Uniqueness and Selective Pseudorandomness properties:

How is this different from traditional signatures?

An even more naive explanation of VRFs is that they are HMACs where the key is assymetric. The parties agree on a pseudorandom function (SHA3) and exchange a proof with the same pseudorandomness that binds to the input but doesn't serve as the only witness (which is the case with simple SHA).

comparison table


    extern crate rand_os;
    use curve25519_dalek::scalar::{Scalar};
    use curve25519_dalek::constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT as g;
    use rand_os::OsRng;
    use ec_vrf::{prove, verify};

    fn main() {
        let mut csprng: OsRng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
        let privkey: Scalar = Scalar::random(&mut csprng);
        let pubkey = g*privkey;
        let input = vec![1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
        let (output, proof) = ec_vrf::prove(&input, privkey);
        assert!(ec_vrf::verify(&input, pubkey, output, proof));


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