ecs 0.16.4

An Entity Component System (ECS) Framework failed to build ecs-0.16.4
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: ecs-0.23.1


An Entity Component System (ECS) library written in Rust.

For info about why an ECS may be beneficial, see some of these articles:

There is a large variety of ways an ECS may work. This particular one is similar to Artemis. Although this isn't a port to Rust, most functionality should be similar, and the tutorials/manual there should be able to make up for the current lack of documentation here.

A little more information is available in the rustdocs.


$ cargo doc

With ecs-rs as one of the dependencies, and open the ecs docs up in your browser of choice.

Contributions are welcome