easyrand 0.3.0

Simpler to use random number library for the Rust language


Build Status Documentation

Simpler to use random number library for the Rust language.

The library wraps the rand crate, exposing a smaller API somewhat inspired by the Python random module. Similar in concept to reqwest being a wrapper for the more complex hyper.


Add to Cargo.toml:


Then to use:

extern crate easyrand;

// Generate a random f64 between 0 and 1
let r = easyrand::random();

// Or for a given range
let r = easyrand::randrange(0.0, 10.0);

// Generate a random integer
let r = easyrand::randint(0, 99);

// Shuffle a vector
let mut inputs = vec!["a", "b", "c", "d"];
easyrand::shuffle(&mut inputs);

Release process

  1. Ensure tests are passing with cargo test and check CI
  2. Verify CHANGELOG.md is up to date
  3. Update version number in Cargo.toml, README.md, CHANGELOG.md (and commit changes)
  4. Run cargo publish
  5. git tag -a ... with version number
  6. git push and git push --tags