[][src]Function easycurses::preserve_panic_message

pub fn preserve_panic_message<F: FnOnce(&mut EasyCurses) -> R + UnwindSafe, R>(
    user_function: F
) -> Result<R, Option<String>>

Wraps the use of curses with catch_unwind to preserve panic info.

Normally, if your program panics while in curses mode the panic message prints immediately and then is destroyed before you can see it by the automatic cleanup of curses mode. Instead, this runs the function you pass it within catch_unwind and when there's a panic it catches the panic value and attempts to downcast it into a String you can print out or log or whatever you like. Since a panic value can be anything at all this won't always succeed, thus the Option wrapper on the Err case. Regardless of what of Result you get back, curses mode will be fully cleaned up and shut down by the time this function returns.

Note that you don't have to use this if you just want your terminal restored to normal when your program panics while in curses mode. That is handled automatically by the Drop implementation of EasyCurses. You only need to use this if you care about the panic message itself.