easy_reader 0.1.1

Move forward, backward or randomly through the lines of huge files. Easily and fastly.


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Move forward, backward or randomly through the lines of huge files. Easily and fastly.


Mainly because with Rust (currently) there isn't an easy way to read huge files line by line in reverse and/or randomly, and to freely move forwards and backwards through the lines without consuming an iterator.

Example: basic usage

extern crate easy_reader;

use easy_reader::EasyReader;
use std::fs::File;

fn main() {
    let file: File = File::open("resources/test-file-lf").unwrap();
    let mut easy_reader: EasyReader = EasyReader::new(file).unwrap();

    println!("First line: {}", easy_reader.next_line().unwrap());
    println!("Also first line: {}", easy_reader.prev_line().unwrap());
    println!("Random line: {}", easy_reader.random_line().unwrap());

    // Iteration through the entire file (reverse)
    while let Some(line) = easy_reader.prev_line() {
        println!("{}", line);

    // You can always start/restart reading from the end of file (EOF)
    println!("Last line: {}", easy_reader.prev_line().unwrap());
    // Or the begin of file (BOF)
    println!("First line: {}", easy_reader.next_line().unwrap());

Example: read random lines endlessly

extern crate easy_reader;

use easy_reader::EasyReader;
use std::fs::File;

fn main() {
    let file: File = File::open("resources/test-file-lf").unwrap();
    let mut easy_reader: EasyReader = EasyReader::new(file).unwrap();

    loop {
        println!("{}", easy_reader.random_line().unwrap());