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Operator implementations for Records.

These implementations are written here but Rust docs will display them on the Record struct page.

Records of any Numeric type (provided the type also implements the operations by reference as described in the numeric module) implement all the standard library traits for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, so you can use the normal + - * / operators as you can with normal number types. As a convenience, these operations can also be used with a Record on the left hand side and a the same type that the Record is generic over on the right hand side, so you can do

use easy_ml::differentiation::{Record, WengertList};
let list = WengertList::new();
let x: Record<f32> = Record::variable(2.0, &list);
let y: f32 = 2.0;
let z: Record<f32> = x * y;
assert_eq!(z.number, 4.0);

or more succinctly

use easy_ml::differentiation::{Record, WengertList};
assert_eq!((Record::variable(2.0, &WengertList::new()) * 2.0).number, 4.0);

Records of a Real type (provided the type also implements the operations by reference as described in the numeric module) also implement all of those extra traits and operations. Note that to use a method defined in a trait you have to import the trait as well as have a type that implements it!


  • A trait which defines subtraction and division with the arguments swapped around, ie 5.sub_swapped(7) would equal 2. This trait is only implemented for Records and constant operations.