easy-ml 1.6.2

Matrix and linear algebra library aimed at being easy to use
# Changelog

## Version 1.6.1

Fixed README versions still referring  to 1.5

## Version 1.6

Added QR decomposition function. Improved documentation examples using rand.
Added `#[track_caller]` to some functions that were missed in 1.5. Added
size_hint implementations to all the matrix iterators.

## Version 1.5

Added opt in serde support for `Matrix` and `Trace` behind the `serde` feature.
Improved documentation in various places, updated to use inter doc links,
updated the versions of dependencies to latest version, and added
`#[track_caller]` to many functions that could panic to provide better error

## Version 1.4

Flattened the internal storage of data in Matrices. This will make further
library changes easier in the future, and may provide a slight performance
improvement. The caveat to this change is that code which extensively adds
or removes columns from Matrices may run more slowly, however code which
reads or writes data in a row major format should be much more cache friendly.

Added explicit support for Web Assembly going forward, with a supporting
example on the MNIST dataset.

## Version 1.3.1

Fixed broken link to XOR example in documentation.

## Version 1.3

Added Forward and Reverse mode Automatic Differentiation wrapper structs.  
Added example for solving the XOR problem with a neural net using Automatic
Added RowMajor versions for matrix iterators  
Added matrix and scalar operations to Matrix  

## Version 1.2

Added a simpler Naïve Bayes example and supporting library code for
computing f1 scores.

## Version 1.1

Deprecated `Matrix::unit` and renamed to `Matrix::from_scalar`
Deprecated `Gaussian::map` and renamed to `Gaussian::probability`

Added fully worked Naïve Bayes example and supporting library code for
Gaussians and linear algebra.

Improved the explanation in some of the runtime `panic!` errors

## Version 1

Released with examples and library code for:

- Linear Regression
- k-means Clustering
- Logistic Regression
- using a custom numeric type such as `num_bigint::BigInt`