easy-logging 0.1.2

An easy way to get logging working in your CLI tool

An easy way to get logging working in your command line tool. Suitable for simple CLI and prototyping.

Requires a single function call and provides colored logging to stdout/stderr out of the box.

### Usage

Add to your `Cargo.toml`:

easy-logging = "*"

#### Example:

extern crate easy_logging;
#[macro_use] extern crate log;

fn main() {
    easy_logging::init(module_path!(), log::Level::Info).unwrap();
    debug!("Test debug message.");
    info!("Test info message.");

#### Output with enabled info level:
I: Test info message.

#### Output with enabled debug level:
[22:29:18.084] [   main.rs:006] D: Test debug message.
[22:29:18.085] [   main.rs:007] I: Test info message.