earlgrey 0.3.1

A library for parsing context-free grammars using Earley algorithm


Earlgrey is a crate for building parsers that can understand context-free grammars.

How to use it

Parsing stage:

  • First you need to define a grammar using GrammarBuilder to define terminals and rules.
  • Then build an EarleyParser for that grammar and call parse on some input.

Invoking the parser on some input returns an opaque type (list of Earley items) that encodes all possible trees. If the grammar is unambiguous this should represent a single tree.

Evaluating the result:

You need an EarleyForest that will walk through all resulting parse trees and act on them.

  • To build this you provide a function that given a terminal produces an AST node.
  • Then you define semantic actions to evaluate how to interpret each rule in the grammar.


A toy parser that can understand sums.

fn main() {
    // Gramar:  S -> S + N | N;  N -> [0-9];
    let g = earlgrey::GrammarBuilder::default()
      .terminal("[+]", |c| c == "+")
      .terminal("[0-9]", |n| "1234567890".contains(n))
      .rule("S", &["S", "[+]", "N"])
      .rule("S", &["N"])
      .rule("N", &["[0-9]"])

    // Parse some sum
    let input = "1 + 2 + 3".split_whitespace();
    let trees = earlgrey::EarleyParser::new(g)

    // Evaluate the results
    // Describe what to do when we find a Terminal
    let mut ev = earlgrey::EarleyForest::new(
        |symbol, token| match symbol {
            "[0-9]" => token.parse().unwrap(),
            _ => 0.0,

    // Describe how to execute grammar rules
    ev.action("S -> S [+] N", |n| n[0] + n[2]);
    ev.action("S -> N", |n| n[0]);
    ev.action("N -> [0-9]", |n| n[0]);

    println!("{}", ev.eval(&trees).unwrap());

References for Earley's algorithm