e-clients 0.1.9

a rust services link upload: ftp、local、ssh、smb
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📄 中文 | 📄 English

⚡ what this ?

This is a library that supports transmission protocols such as SSH, FTP, and SMB

Support APP

✨ Features

ftp = ["suppaftp", "chrono"]
smb = []
ssh = ["remotefs-ssh"]
default = []

📖 Example

e-clients = {version="0.1", feature=["ftp","ssh","smb"]}


SSH Example | FTP Example | SMB Example


🚀 fast running

# test ftp
cargo run --example ftp

# test ssh
cargo run --example ssh

# test smb
cargo run --example smb

🦊 Applied Projects

🔭 why need to e-clients?

🙋 Reference items and materials