dyon 0.7.0

A rusty dynamically typed scripting language


A rusty dynamically typed scripting language

Notice: This is very early stage in development. Breaking changes will happen!


Libraries that helps setting up a Dyon environment:

Dyon script files ends with ".dyon".


Dyon for the Atom Editor


List of features

Why the name Dyon?

Dyon is a hypothetical particle predicted by several grand unified theories in physics with both eletrical and magnetic charge. See wikipedia article for more information.

The name Dyon fits because, just like the particle, there are things that are yet to be discovered about language design. However, this language was not born out of a grand new vision, but is the result of exploring and testing new ideas.

Motivation and goals

Sven Nilsen started this project in early 2016. The idea was to make a simple, but convenient scripting language that integrated well with Rust.

  • During the first week of coding, it was discovered a way to make a lifetime checking on arguments
  • Dynamic modules with imported prelude were added to explore a different approach to organizing code
  • For nice error handling, added option, result and ? operator
  • To test the design of the language, created a demo for interactive coding
  • Mutability check to improve readability
  • Short For loop to improve readability and performance
  • Mathematical loops and unicode symbols to improve readability

Main goals:

  • Integrate well with Rust
  • Flexible way of organizing code

Performance will be optimized for the cycle:

coding -> parsing -> running -> debugging -> coding

Sub goals:

  • Safety


  • Rust equivalent performance
  • Replace Rust to build libraries
  • Interfacing with other languages than Rust


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.