dynasty 0.1.2

Dynasty reader's downloader


Dynasty Reader downloader, written in Rust. There is only a CLI for now, I'm planning to make the GUI later when I feel like it.


There is currently two ways of installing:

  1. Github releases

Download the release and then put it in your path or anywhere you want.

  1. Cargo

Installing using cargo is pretty straighforward, make sure you have Rust installed and then run the command below.

cargo install dynasty

cargo will install dynasty-cli in $HOME/.cargo/bin assuming you're using the default installation root.


This is the --help.

dynasty 0.1.0
Aynh <aynlazur@gmail.com>

    dynasty-cli [OPTIONS] <TARGET>

            What to download.

            This could be a Dynasty Reader's URL or the URL's path.

            Targets below are equivalent and will download the series `A Monster Wants to Eat Me`


            You could also use the chapter's title to download them. Example:

            "Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels! ch12"
            "Hino-san no Baka ch12.5"

    -d, --dir <DIR>
            The directory to store the downloaded (directory|tag|chapter)s.

            Based on what you supplied as <TARGET>, it will save your downloads on:

            * TAG:       <DIR>/{TAG_TITLE}/{CHAPTER_TITLE}/{PAGE}.(jpg|png)
            * CHAPTER:   <DIR>/{CHAPTER_TITLE}/{PAGE}.(jpg|png)

            [default: .]

    -h, --help
            Print help information

    -i, --interactive <KIND>
            Interactively select <KIND> instead of downloading directly.

            <KIND> defaults to "chapter" if you don't specify it.

            <KIND> may conflict with <TARGET> argument.

            * chapter conflicts with CHAPTER <TARGET>.
            * tag conflicts with CHAPTER and TAG <TARGET>.

            [possible values: chapter, tag]

    -j, --max-concurrent-fetch <NUM>
            Set the maximum number of concurrently running fetches.
            (high value may cause HTTP 503 Error)

            [default: 4]

    -V, --version
            Print version information

What I mean by DIRECTORY and TAG is the first and the second path after the URL respectively, for example:


These examples assumes the dynasty-cli binary is in your path.

  1. Download the series directory (don't do this).
dynasty-cli https://dynasty-scans.com/series
  1. Download the entire Hino-san no Baka with 12 concurrent fetch.
dynasty-cli series/hino_san_no_baka -j 12
  1. Using proxy is possible through reqwest, you need to export the HTTPS_PROXY variable. SOCKS proxy also works, just make sure to explicitly set the protocol.
HTTPS_PROXY=socks5:// dynasty-cli kitanai_kimi_ga_ichiban_kawaii_ch26


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