dylint_testing 0.1.0-pre.14

Utiltities for testing Dylint libraries


This crate provides a ui_test function for testing Dylint libraries.

ui_test provides convenient access to the compiletest_rs package. ui_test is declared as follows:

pub fn ui_test(name: &str, src_base: &Path)

Its arguments are as follows:

  • name is the name of a Dylint library to be tested. Often, this is the same as the package name.
  • src_base is a directory containing:
    • source files on which to test the library (.rs files), and
    • the output those files should produce (.stderr files).

For most situations, you can add the following to your library's lib.rs file:

fn ui() {

And include one or more .rs and .stderr files in a ui directory alongside your library's src directory. See the examples in this repository.

Additional documentation on compiletest_rs can be found in its repository.