dylint_linting 2.0.4

Utilities for writing Dylint libraries


This crate provides the following macros to help in creating Dylint libraries:


The dylint_library! macro expands to the following:

extern crate rustc_driver;

pub extern "C" fn dylint_version() -> *mut std::os::raw::c_char {

If your library uses the dylint_library! macro and the dylint-link tool, then all you should have to do is implement the register_lints function. See the examples in this repository.

declare_late_lint!, etc.

If your library contains just one lint, using declare_late_lint!, etc. can make your code more concise. Each of these macros requires the same arguments as declare_lint!, and wraps the following:

  • a call to dylint_library!
  • an implementation of the register_lints function
  • a call to declare_lint!
  • a call to declare_lint_pass!

For example, declare_late_lint!(vis NAME, Level, "description") expands to the following:


extern crate rustc_lint;
extern crate rustc_session;

pub fn register_lints(_sess: &rustc_session::Session, lint_store: &mut rustc_lint::LintStore) {
    lint_store.register_late_pass(|| Box::new(Name));

rustc_session::declare_lint!(vis NAME, Level, "description");

rustc_session::declare_lint_pass!(Name => [NAME]);

declare_early_lint! and declare_pre_expansion_lint! are defined similarly.

impl_late_lint!, etc.

impl_late_lint!, etc. are like declare_late_lint!, etc. except:

  • each calls impl_lint_pass! instead of declare_lint_pass!;
  • each requires an additional argument to specify the default value of the lint's LintPass structure.

That is, impl_late_lint!'s additional argument is what goes here:

    lint_store.register_late_pass(|| Box::new(...));

An example use of impl_pre_expansion_lint! can be found in env_cargo_path in this repository.