dylint_examples 0.1.0-pre.14

Example Dylint libraries
# Example Dylint libraries

Each subdirectory besides `src` contains an example [Dylint](https://github.com/trailofbits/dylint) library.

The current examples are:

* [`allow_clippy`]./allow_clippy: A tongue-in-cheek example of a Dylint library
* [`clippy`]./clippy: All of the Clippy lints as a Dylint library
* [`env_literal`]./env_literal: A lint to check for environment variables referred to with string literals
* [`path_separator_in_string_literal`]./path_separator_in_string_literal: A lint to check for path separators in string literals
* [`question_mark_in_expression`]./question_mark_in_expression: A lint to check for the `?` operator in expressions


1. Each example is in its own workspace so that it can have its own `rust-toolchain`.
2. Each example is configured to use the installed copy of [`dylint-link`]../dylint-link. To use the copy within this repository, change the example's `.cargo/config.toml` file as follows:
    linker = "../../target/debug/dylint-link"