Struct dxf::Header[][src]

pub struct Header {
Show 277 fields pub version: AcadVersion, pub maintenance_version: i16, pub drawing_code_page: String, pub last_saved_by: String, pub required_versions: i64, pub insertion_base: Point, pub minimum_drawing_extents: Point, pub maximum_drawing_extents: Point, pub minimum_drawing_limits: Point, pub maximum_drawing_limits: Point, pub draw_orthogonal_lines: bool, pub use_regen_mode: bool, pub fill_mode_on: bool, pub use_quick_text_mode: bool, pub mirror_text: bool, pub drag_mode: DragMode, pub line_type_scale: f64, pub object_snap_flags: i32, pub attribute_visibility: AttributeVisibility, pub default_text_height: f64, pub trace_width: f64, pub text_style: String, pub current_layer: String, pub current_entity_line_type: String, pub current_entity_color: Color, pub current_entity_line_type_scale: f64, pub retain_deleted_objects: bool, pub display_silhouette_curves_in_wireframe_mode: bool, pub solid_visual_style_pointer: Handle, pub dimensioning_scale_factor: f64, pub dimensioning_arrow_size: f64, pub dimension_extension_line_offset: f64, pub dimension_line_increment: f64, pub dimension_distance_rounding_value: f64, pub dimension_line_extension: f64, pub dimension_extension_line_extension: f64, pub dimension_plus_tolerance: f64, pub dimension_minus_tolerance: f64, pub dimensioning_text_height: f64, pub center_mark_size: f64, pub dimensioning_tick_size: f64, pub generate_dimension_tolerances: bool, pub generate_dimension_limits: bool, pub dimension_text_inside_horizontal: bool, pub dimension_text_outside_horizontal: bool, pub suppress_first_dimension_extension_line: bool, pub suppress_second_dimension_extension_line: bool, pub text_above_dimension_line: bool, pub dimension_unit_zero_suppression: UnitZeroSuppression, pub arrow_block_name: String, pub create_associative_dimensioning: bool, pub recompute_dimensions_while_dragging: bool, pub dimensioning_suffix: String, pub alternate_dimensioning_suffix: String, pub use_alternate_dimensioning: bool, pub alternate_dimensioning_decimal_places: i16, pub alternate_dimensioning_scale_factor: f64, pub dimension_linear_measurements_scale_factor: f64, pub force_dimension_line_extensions_outside_if_text_is: bool, pub dimension_vertical_text_position: f64, pub force_dimension_text_inside_extensions: bool, pub suppress_outside_extension_dimension_lines: bool, pub use_separate_arrow_blocks_for_dimensions: bool, pub first_arrow_block_name: String, pub second_arrow_block_name: String, pub dimension_style_name: String, pub dimension_line_color: Color, pub dimension_extension_line_color: Color, pub dimension_text_color: Color, pub dimension_tolerance_display_scale_factor: f64, pub dimension_line_gap: f64, pub dimension_text_justification: DimensionTextJustification, pub dimension_tolerance_vertical_justification: Justification, pub dimension_tolerance_zero_suppression: UnitZeroSuppression, pub alternate_dimensioning_zero_supression: UnitZeroSuppression, pub alternate_dimensioning_tolerance_zero_supression: UnitZeroSuppression, pub dimension_text_and_arrow_placement: DimensionFit, pub dimension_cursor_controls_text_position: bool, pub dimension_unit_format: UnitFormat, pub dimension_unit_tolerance_decimal_places: i16, pub dimension_tolerance_decimal_places: i16, pub alternate_dimensioning_units: UnitFormat, pub alternate_dimensioning_tolerance_decimal_places: i16, pub dimension_text_style: String, pub dimensioning_angle_format: AngleFormat, pub angular_dimension_precision: i16, pub alternate_dimensioning_unit_rounding: f64, pub dimension_angle_zero_suppression: UnitZeroSuppression, pub dimension_decimal_separator_char: char, pub dimension_text_height_scale_factor: DimensionFractionFormat, pub dimension_leader_block_name: String, pub dimension_non_angular_units: NonAngularUnits, pub dimension_line_weight: LineWeight, pub dimension_extension_line_weight: LineWeight, pub dimension_text_movement_rule: DimensionTextMovementRule, pub dimension_line_fixed_length: f64, pub dimension_line_fixed_length_on: bool, pub dimension_transverse_segment_angle_in_jogged_radius: f64, pub dimension_text_background_color_mode: DimensionTextBackgroundColorMode, pub dxf_dimension_text_background_custom_color: Color, pub dimension_arc_symbol_display_mode: DimensionArcSymbolDisplayMode, pub dimension_line_type: String, pub dimension_first_extension_line_type: String, pub dimension_second_extension_line_type: String, pub dimension_text_direction: TextDirection, pub unit_format: UnitFormat, pub unit_precision: i16, pub sketch_record_increment: f64, pub fillet_radius: f64, pub angle_unit_format: AngleFormat, pub angle_unit_precision: i16, pub file_name: String, pub elevation: f64, pub paperspace_elevation: f64, pub thickness: f64, pub use_limits_checking: bool, pub blip_mode: bool, pub first_chamfer_distance: f64, pub second_chamfer_distance: f64, pub chamfer_length: f64, pub chamfer_angle: f64, pub polyline_sketch_mode: PolySketchMode, pub creation_date: DateTime<Local>, pub creation_date_universal: DateTime<Utc>, pub update_date: DateTime<Local>, pub update_date_universal: DateTime<Utc>, pub time_in_drawing: Duration, pub user_elapsed_timer: Duration, pub user_timer_on: bool, pub angle_zero_direction: f64, pub angle_direction: AngleDirection, pub point_display_mode: i32, pub point_display_size: f64, pub default_polyline_width: f64, pub coordinate_display: CoordinateDisplay, pub display_spline_polygon_control: bool, pub pedit_spline_curve_type: PolylineCurvedAndSmoothSurfaceType, pub line_segments_per_spline_patch: i16, pub show_attribute_entry_dialogs: bool, pub prompt_for_attribute_on_insert: bool, pub handles_enabled: bool, pub next_available_handle: Handle, pub mesh_tabulations_in_first_direction: i16, pub mesh_tabulations_in_second_direction: i16, pub pedit_smooth_surface_type: PolylineCurvedAndSmoothSurfaceType, pub pedit_smooth_m_densith: i16, pub pedit_smooth_n_densith: i16, pub ucs_definition_name: String, pub ucs_name: String, pub ucs_origin: Point, pub ucs_x_axis: Vector, pub ucs_y_axis: Vector, pub ortho_ucs_reference: String, pub orthgraphic_view_type: OrthographicViewType, pub ucs_origin_top: Point, pub ucs_origin_bottom: Point, pub ucs_origin_left: Point, pub ucs_origin_right: Point, pub ucs_origin_front: Point, pub ucs_origin_back: Point, pub paperspace_ucs_definition_name: String, pub paperspace_ucs_name: String, pub paperspace_ucs_origin: Point, pub paperspace_x_axis: Vector, pub paperspace_y_axis: Vector, pub paperspace_ortho_ucs_reference: String, pub paperspace_orthographic_view_type: OrthographicViewType, pub paperspace_ucs_origin_top: Point, pub paperspace_ucs_origin_bottom: Point, pub paperspace_ucs_origin_left: Point, pub paperspace_ucs_origin_right: Point, pub paperspace_ucs_origin_front: Point, pub paperspace_ucs_origin_back: Point, pub user_int1: i16, pub user_int2: i16, pub user_int3: i16, pub user_int4: i16, pub user_int5: i16, pub user_real1: f64, pub user_real2: f64, pub user_real3: f64, pub user_real4: f64, pub user_real5: f64, pub set_ucs_to_wcs_in_d_view_or_v_point: bool, pub edge_shading: ShadeEdgeMode, pub percent_ambient_to_diffuse: i16, pub previous_release_tile_compatability: bool, pub maximum_active_viewports: i16, pub paperspace_insertion_base: Point, pub limit_checking_in_paperspace: bool, pub paperspace_minimum_drawing_extents: Point, pub paperspace_maximum_drawing_extents: Point, pub paperspace_minimum_drawing_limits: Point, pub paperspace_maximum_drawing_limits: Point, pub display_fractions_in_input: bool, pub retain_x_ref_dependent_visibility_settings: bool, pub is_polyline_continuous_around_verticies: bool, pub scale_line_types_in_paperspace: bool, pub spacial_index_max_depth: i16, pub pick_style: PickStyle, pub current_multiline_style: String, pub current_multiline_justification: Justification, pub current_multiline_scale: f64, pub save_proxy_graphics: bool, pub drawing_units: DrawingUnits, pub new_object_line_weight: LineWeight, pub end_cap_setting: EndCapSetting, pub lineweight_joint_setting: JoinStyle, pub display_linewieght_in_model_and_layout_tab: bool, pub default_drawing_units: Units, pub hyperlink_base: String, pub stylesheet: String, pub can_use_in_place_reference_editing: bool, pub new_object_plot_style_handle: Handle, pub new_object_plot_style: PlotStyle, pub uses_color_dependent_plot_style_tables: bool, pub fingerprint_guid: Uuid, pub version_guid: Uuid, pub use_acad2000_symbol_table_naming: bool, pub viewport_view_scale_factor: f64, pub ole_startup: bool, pub object_sorting_methods_flags: i32, pub layer_and_spatial_index_save_mode: LayerAndSpatialIndexSaveMode, pub hide_text_objects_when_producint_hidden_view: bool, pub is_x_ref_clipping_boundary_visible: XrefClippingBoundaryVisibility, pub halo_gap_percent: f64, pub obscured_line_color: Color, pub obscured_line_type_style: LineTypeStyle, pub display_intersection_polylines: bool, pub intersection_polyline_color: Color, pub dimension_object_associativity: DimensionAssociativity, pub project_name: String, pub use_camera_display: bool, pub lens_length: f64, pub camera_height: f64, pub steps_per_second_in_walk_or_fly_mode: f64, pub step_size_in_walk_or_fly_mode: f64, pub dwf_3d_precision: Dwf3DPrecision, pub last_poly_solid_width: f64, pub last_poly_solid_height: f64, pub loft_operation_first_draft_angle: f64, pub loft_operation_second_draft_angle: f64, pub loft_operation_first_magnitude: f64, pub loft_operation_second_magnitude: f64, pub loft_flags: i32, pub lofted_object_normal_mode: LoftedObjectNormalMode, pub latitude: f64, pub longitude: f64, pub angle_between_y_axis_and_north: f64, pub time_zone: DrawingTimeZone, pub use_light_glyph_display: bool, pub use_tile_mode_light_sync: bool, pub current_material_handle: Handle, pub new_solids_contain_history: bool, pub solid_history_mode: SolidHistoryMode, pub dwf_underlay_frame_mode: UnderlayFrameMode, pub dgn_underlay_frame_mode: UnderlayFrameMode, pub use_real_world_scale: bool, pub interference_object_color: Color, pub interference_object_visual_style_pointer: Handle, pub interference_view_port_visual_style_pointer: Handle, pub shadow_mode: ShadowMode, pub shadow_plane_z_offset: f64, pub axis_on: bool, pub axis_tick_spacing: Vector, pub fast_zoom: bool, pub grid_on: bool, pub grid_spacing: Vector, pub snap_rotation_angle: f64, pub snap_base_point: Point, pub snap_isometric_plane: SnapIsometricPlane, pub snap_on: bool, pub snap_style: SnapStyle, pub snap_spacing: Vector, pub view_center: Point, pub view_direction: Vector, pub view_height: f64,
Expand description

Contains common properties for the DXF file.


version: AcadVersion

The $ACADVER header variable. The AutoCAD drawing database version number.

maintenance_version: i16

The $ACADMAINTVER header variable. Maintenance version number (should be ignored). Minimum AutoCAD version: R14.

drawing_code_page: String

The $DWGCODEPAGE header variable. Drawing code page; set to the system code page when a new drawing is created, but not otherwise maintained by AutoCAD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

last_saved_by: String

The $LASTSAVEDBY header variable. Name of the last user to modify the file. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

required_versions: i64

The $REQUIREDVERSIONS header variable. Unknown. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2013.

insertion_base: Point

The $INSBASE header variable. Insertion base set by BASE command (in WCS).

minimum_drawing_extents: Point

The $EXTMIN header variable. X, Y, and Z drawing extents lower-left corner (in WCS).

maximum_drawing_extents: Point

The $EXTMAX header variable. X, Y, and Z drawing extents upper-right corner (in WCS).

minimum_drawing_limits: Point

The $LIMMIN header variable. XY drawing limits lower-left corner (in WCS).

maximum_drawing_limits: Point

The $LIMMAX header variable. XY drawing limits upper-right corner (in WCS).

draw_orthogonal_lines: bool

The $ORTHOMODE header variable. Ortho mode on.

use_regen_mode: bool

The $REGENMODE header variable. REGENAUTO mode on.

fill_mode_on: bool

The $FILLMODE header variable. Fill mode on.

use_quick_text_mode: bool

The $QTEXTMODE header variable. Quick text mode on.

mirror_text: bool

The $MIRRTEXT header variable. Mirror text.

drag_mode: DragMode

The $DRAGMODE header variable. Controls the way dragged objects are displayed. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

line_type_scale: f64

The $LTSCALE header variable. Global line type scale.

object_snap_flags: i32

The $OSMODE header variable. Running object snap modes. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

attribute_visibility: AttributeVisibility

The $ATTMODE header variable. Attribute visibility.

default_text_height: f64

The $TEXTSIZE header variable. Default text height.

trace_width: f64

The $TRACEWID header variable. Default trace width.

text_style: String

The $TEXTSTYLE header variable. Current text style name.

current_layer: String

The $CLAYER header variable. Current layer name.

current_entity_line_type: String

The $CELTYPE header variable. Entity line type name, or BYBLOCK or BYLAYER.

current_entity_color: Color

The $CECOLOR header variable. Current entity color.

current_entity_line_type_scale: f64

The $CELTSCALE header variable. Current entity line type scale. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

retain_deleted_objects: bool

The $DELOBJ header variable. Controls object deletion. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

display_silhouette_curves_in_wireframe_mode: bool

The $DISPSILH header variable. Controls the display of silhouette curves of body objects in wireframe mode. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

solid_visual_style_pointer: Handle

The $DRAGVS header variable. Hard-pointer to visual style when creating 3D solid primitives. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

dimensioning_scale_factor: f64

The $DIMSCALE header variable. Overall dimensioning scale factor.

dimensioning_arrow_size: f64

The $DIMASZ header variable. Dimensioning arrow size.

dimension_extension_line_offset: f64

The $DIMEXO header variable. Extension line offset.

dimension_line_increment: f64

The $DIMDLI header variable. Dimension line increment.

dimension_distance_rounding_value: f64

The $DIMRND header variable. Rounding value for dimension distances.

dimension_line_extension: f64

The $DIMDLE header variable. Dimension line extension.

dimension_extension_line_extension: f64

The $DIMEXE header variable. Extension line extension.

dimension_plus_tolerance: f64

The $DIMTP header variable. Plus tolerance.

dimension_minus_tolerance: f64

The $DIMTM header variable. Minus tolerance.

dimensioning_text_height: f64

The $DIMTXT header variable. Dimensioning text height.

center_mark_size: f64

The $DIMCEN header variable. Size of center mark/lines.

dimensioning_tick_size: f64

The $DIMTSZ header variable. Dimensioning tick size.

generate_dimension_tolerances: bool

The $DIMTOL header variable. Dimension tolerances generated.

generate_dimension_limits: bool

The $DIMLIM header variable. Dimension limits generated.

dimension_text_inside_horizontal: bool

The $DIMTIH header variable. Text inside horizontal.

dimension_text_outside_horizontal: bool

The $DIMTOH header variable. Text outside horizontal.

suppress_first_dimension_extension_line: bool

The $DIMSE1 header variable. Suppression of first extension line. Minimum AutoCAD version: R12.

suppress_second_dimension_extension_line: bool

The $DIMSE2 header variable. Suppression of second extension line. Minimum AutoCAD version: R12.

text_above_dimension_line: bool

The $DIMTAD header variable. Text above dimension line.

dimension_unit_zero_suppression: UnitZeroSuppression

The $DIMZIN header variable. Controls suppression of zeros for primary unit values.

arrow_block_name: String

The $DIMBLK header variable. Arrow block name.

create_associative_dimensioning: bool

The $DIMASO header variable. Controls associative dimensioning.

recompute_dimensions_while_dragging: bool

The $DIMSHO header variable. Recompute dimensions while dragging.

dimensioning_suffix: String

The $DIMPOST header variable. General dimensioning suffix.

alternate_dimensioning_suffix: String

The $DIMAPOST header variable. Alternate dimensioning suffix.

use_alternate_dimensioning: bool

The $DIMALT header variable. Alternate unit dimensioning performed.

alternate_dimensioning_decimal_places: i16

The $DIMALTD header variable. Alternate unit decimal places.

alternate_dimensioning_scale_factor: f64

The $DIMALTF header variable. Alternate unit scale factor.

dimension_linear_measurements_scale_factor: f64

The $DIMLFAC header variable. Linear measurements scale factor.

force_dimension_line_extensions_outside_if_text_is: bool

The $DIMTOFL header variable. If text is outside extensions, force line extensions between extensions.

dimension_vertical_text_position: f64

The $DIMTVP header variable. Text vertical position.

force_dimension_text_inside_extensions: bool

The $DIMTIX header variable. Force text inside extensions.

suppress_outside_extension_dimension_lines: bool

The $DIMSOXD header variable. Suppress outside-extensions dimension lines.

use_separate_arrow_blocks_for_dimensions: bool

The $DIMSAH header variable. Use separate arrow blocks.

first_arrow_block_name: String

The $DIMBLK1 header variable. First arrow block name.

second_arrow_block_name: String

The $DIMBLK2 header variable. Second arrow block name.

dimension_style_name: String

The $DIMSTYLE header variable. Dimension style name.

dimension_line_color: Color

The $DIMCLRD header variable. Dimension line color. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

dimension_extension_line_color: Color

The $DIMCLRE header variable. Dimension extension line color. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

dimension_text_color: Color

The $DIMCLRT header variable. Dimension text color. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

dimension_tolerance_display_scale_factor: f64

The $DIMTFAC header variable. Dimension tolerance display factor. Minimum AutoCAD version: R12.

dimension_line_gap: f64

The $DIMGAP header variable. Dimension line gap. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

dimension_text_justification: DimensionTextJustification

The $DIMJUST header variable. Horizontal dimension text position. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

dimension_tolerance_vertical_justification: Justification

The $DIMTOLJ header variable. Vertical justification for tolerance values. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

dimension_tolerance_zero_suppression: UnitZeroSuppression

The $DIMTZIN header variable. Controls suppression of zeros for tolerance values. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

alternate_dimensioning_zero_supression: UnitZeroSuppression

The $DIMALTZ header variable. Controls suppression of zeros for alternate unit dimension values. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

alternate_dimensioning_tolerance_zero_supression: UnitZeroSuppression

The $DIMALTTZ header variable. Controls suppression of zeros for alternate tolerance values. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

dimension_text_and_arrow_placement: DimensionFit

The $DIMFIT header variable. Placement of text and arrowheads. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

dimension_cursor_controls_text_position: bool

The $DIMUPT header variable. Cursor functionality for user-positioned text. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

dimension_unit_format: UnitFormat

The $DIMUNIT header variable. Units format for all dimension style family members except angular. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

dimension_unit_tolerance_decimal_places: i16

The $DIMDEC header variable. Number of decimal places for the tolerance values of a primary units dimension. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

dimension_tolerance_decimal_places: i16

The $DIMTDEC header variable. Number of decimal places to display the tolerance values. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

alternate_dimensioning_units: UnitFormat

The $DIMALTU header variable. Units format for alternate units of all dimension style family members except angular. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

alternate_dimensioning_tolerance_decimal_places: i16

The $DIMALTTD header variable. Number of decimal places for tolerance values of an alternate units dimension. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

dimension_text_style: String

The $DIMTXSTY header variable. Dimension text style. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

dimensioning_angle_format: AngleFormat

The $DIMAUNIT header variable. Angle format for angular dimensions. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

angular_dimension_precision: i16

The $DIMADEC header variable. Number of precision places displayed in angular dimensions. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

alternate_dimensioning_unit_rounding: f64

The $DIMALTRND header variable. Determines rounding of alternate units. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

dimension_angle_zero_suppression: UnitZeroSuppression

The $DIMAZIN header variable. Controls suppression of zeros for angular dimensions. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

dimension_decimal_separator_char: char

The $DIMDSEP header variable. Single-character decimal separator used when creating dimensions whose unit format is decimal. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

dimension_text_height_scale_factor: DimensionFractionFormat

The $DIMFRAC header variable. Sets the fraction format when DIMLUNIT is set to Architectural or Fractional. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

dimension_leader_block_name: String

The $DIMLDRBLK header variable. Arrow block name for leaders. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

dimension_non_angular_units: NonAngularUnits

The $DIMLUNIT header variable. Sets units for all dimension types except angular. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

dimension_line_weight: LineWeight

The $DIMLWD header variable. Dimension line lineweight. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

dimension_extension_line_weight: LineWeight

The $DIMLWE header variable. Extension line lineweight. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

dimension_text_movement_rule: DimensionTextMovementRule

The $DIMTMOVE header variable. Dimension text movement rules. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

dimension_line_fixed_length: f64

The $DIMFXL header variable. Sets the total length of the extension lines starting from the dimension line toward the dimension origin. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

dimension_line_fixed_length_on: bool

The $DIMFXLON header variable. Controls whether extension lines are set to a fixed length. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

dimension_transverse_segment_angle_in_jogged_radius: f64

The $DIMJOGANG header variable. Determines the angle of the transverse segment of the dimension line in a jogged radius dimension. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

dimension_text_background_color_mode: DimensionTextBackgroundColorMode

The $DIMTFILL header variable. Controls the background of dimension text. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

dxf_dimension_text_background_custom_color: Color

The $DIMTFILLCLR header variable. Sets the color for the text background in dimensions. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

dimension_arc_symbol_display_mode: DimensionArcSymbolDisplayMode

The $DIMARCSYM header variable. Controls the display of the arc symbol in an arc length dimension. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

dimension_line_type: String

The $DIMLTYPE header variable. Sets the line type of the dimension line. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

dimension_first_extension_line_type: String

The $DIMLTEX1 header variable. Sets the line type of the first extension line. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

dimension_second_extension_line_type: String

The $DIMLTEX2 header variable. Sets the line type of the second extension line. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

dimension_text_direction: TextDirection

The $DIMTXTDIRECTION header variable. Specifies the reading direction of the dimension text. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2010.

unit_format: UnitFormat

The $LUNITS header variable. Units format for coordinates and distances.

unit_precision: i16

The $LUPREC header variable. Units precision for coordinates and distances.

sketch_record_increment: f64

The $SKETCHINC header variable. Sketch record increment.

fillet_radius: f64

The $FILLETRAD header variable. Fillet radius.

angle_unit_format: AngleFormat

The $AUNITS header variable. Units format for angles.

angle_unit_precision: i16

The $AUPREC header variable. Units precision for angles.

file_name: String

The $MENU header variable. Name of menu file.

elevation: f64

The $ELEVATION header variable. Current elevation set by ELEV command.

paperspace_elevation: f64

The $PELEVATION header variable. Current paper space elevation. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

thickness: f64

The $THICKNESS header variable. Current thickness set by ELEV command.

use_limits_checking: bool

The $LIMCHECK header variable. Limits checking.

blip_mode: bool

The $BLIPMODE header variable. Display blips for click locations. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

first_chamfer_distance: f64

The $CHAMFERA header variable. First chamfer distance.

second_chamfer_distance: f64

The $CHAMFERB header variable. Second chamfer distance.

chamfer_length: f64

The $CHAMFERC header variable. Chamfer length. Minimum AutoCAD version: R14.

chamfer_angle: f64

The $CHAMFERD header variable. Chamfer angle. Minimum AutoCAD version: R14.

polyline_sketch_mode: PolySketchMode

The $SKPOLY header variable. Controls polyline sketch mode.

creation_date: DateTime<Local>

The $TDCREATE header variable. Local date/time of drawing creation.

creation_date_universal: DateTime<Utc>

The $TDUCREATE header variable. Universal date/time the drawing was created. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

update_date: DateTime<Local>

The $TDUPDATE header variable. Local date/time of last drawing update.

update_date_universal: DateTime<Utc>

The $TDUUPDATE header variable. Universal date/time of the last update/save. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

time_in_drawing: Duration

The $TDINDWG header variable. Cumulative editing time for this drawing.

user_elapsed_timer: Duration

The $TDUSRTIMER header variable. User-elapsed timer.

user_timer_on: bool

The $USRTIMER header variable. User timer on.

angle_zero_direction: f64

The $ANGBASE header variable. Angle 0 direction.

angle_direction: AngleDirection

The $ANGDIR header variable. Angle directions.

point_display_mode: i32

The $PDMODE header variable. Point display mode.

point_display_size: f64

The $PDSIZE header variable. Point display size.

default_polyline_width: f64

The $PLINEWID header variable. Default polyline width.

coordinate_display: CoordinateDisplay

The $COORDS header variable. Controls the display of coordinates. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

display_spline_polygon_control: bool

The $SPLFRAME header variable. Controls the display of helixes and smoothed mesh objects. Maximum AutoCAD version: R2013.

pedit_spline_curve_type: PolylineCurvedAndSmoothSurfaceType

The $SPLINETYPE header variable. Spline curve type for PEDIT Spline.

line_segments_per_spline_patch: i16

The $SPLINESEGS header variable. Number of line segments per spline hatch.

show_attribute_entry_dialogs: bool

The $ATTDIA header variable. Controls whether the INSERT command uses a dialog box for attribute value entry. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

prompt_for_attribute_on_insert: bool

The $ATTREQ header variable. Controls whether INSERT uses default attribute settings during insertion of blocks. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

handles_enabled: bool

The $HANDLING header variable. Handles available. Maximum AutoCAD version: R12.

next_available_handle: Handle

The $HANDSEED header variable. Next available handle.

mesh_tabulations_in_first_direction: i16

The $SURFTAB1 header variable. Number of mesh tabulations in first direction.

mesh_tabulations_in_second_direction: i16

The $SURFTAB2 header variable. Number of mesh tabulations in second direction.

pedit_smooth_surface_type: PolylineCurvedAndSmoothSurfaceType

The $SURFTYPE header variable. Surface type for PEDIT Smooth.

pedit_smooth_m_densith: i16

The $SURFU header variable. Surface density (for PEDIT Smooth) in M direction.

pedit_smooth_n_densith: i16

The $SURFV header variable. Surface density (for PEDIT Smooth) in N direction.

ucs_definition_name: String

The $UCSBASE header variable. Name of the UCS that defines the origin and orientation of orthographic UCS settings. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

ucs_name: String

The $UCSNAME header variable. Name of current UCS.

ucs_origin: Point

The $UCSORG header variable. Origin of current UCS (in WCS).

ucs_x_axis: Vector

The $UCSXDIR header variable. Direction of the current UCS X axis (in WCS).

ucs_y_axis: Vector

The $UCSYDIR header variable. Direction of the current UCS Y axis (in WCS).

ortho_ucs_reference: String

The $UCSORTHOREF header variable. If model space UCS is orthographic (UCSORTHOVIEW not equal to 0), this is the name of the UCS that the orthographic UCS is relative to. If blank, UCS is relative to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

orthgraphic_view_type: OrthographicViewType

The $UCSORTHOVIEW header variable. Orthographic view type of model space UCS. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

ucs_origin_top: Point

The $UCSORGTOP header variable. Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to TOP when UCSBASE is set to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

ucs_origin_bottom: Point

The $UCSORGBOTTOM header variable. Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to BOTTOM when UCSBASE is set to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

ucs_origin_left: Point

The $UCSORGLEFT header variable. Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to LEFT when UCSBASE is set to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

ucs_origin_right: Point

The $UCSORGRIGHT header variable. Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to RIGHT when UCSBASE is set to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

ucs_origin_front: Point

The $UCSORGFRONT header variable. Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to FRONT when UCSBASE is set to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

ucs_origin_back: Point

The $UCSORGBACK header variable. Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to BACK when UCSBASE is set to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

paperspace_ucs_definition_name: String

The $PUCSBASE header variable. Name of the UCS that defines the origin and orientation of orthographics UCS settings (paper space only). Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

paperspace_ucs_name: String

The $PUCSNAME header variable. Current paper space UCS name. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

paperspace_ucs_origin: Point

The $PUCSORG header variable. Current paper space UCS origin. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

paperspace_x_axis: Vector

The $PUCSXDIR header variable. Current paper space UCS X axis. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

paperspace_y_axis: Vector

The $PUCSYDIR header variable. Current paper space UCS Y axis. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

paperspace_ortho_ucs_reference: String

The $PUCSORTHOREF header variable. If paper space UCS is orthographic (PUCSORTHOVIEW not equal to 0), this is the name of the UCS that the orthographic UCS is relative to. If blank, UCS is relative to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

paperspace_orthographic_view_type: OrthographicViewType

The $PUCSORTHOVIEW header variable. Orthographic view type of paper space UCS. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

paperspace_ucs_origin_top: Point

The $PUCSORGTOP header variable. Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing paper space UCS to TOP when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

paperspace_ucs_origin_bottom: Point

The $PUCSORGBOTTOM header variable. Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing paper space UCS to BOTTOM when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

paperspace_ucs_origin_left: Point

The $PUCSORGLEFT header variable. Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing paper space UCS to LEFT when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

paperspace_ucs_origin_right: Point

The $PUCSORGRIGHT header variable. Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing paper space UCS to RIGHT when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

paperspace_ucs_origin_front: Point

The $PUCSORGFRONT header variable. Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing paper space UCS to FRONT when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

paperspace_ucs_origin_back: Point

The $PUCSORGBACK header variable. Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing paper space UCS to BACK when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

user_int1: i16

The $USERI1 header variable. Integer variable intended for use by third-party developers.

user_int2: i16

The $USERI2 header variable. Integer variable intended for use by third-party developers.

user_int3: i16

The $USERI3 header variable. Integer variable intended for use by third-party developers.

user_int4: i16

The $USERI4 header variable. Integer variable intended for use by third-party developers.

user_int5: i16

The $USERI5 header variable. Integer variable intended for use by third-party developers.

user_real1: f64

The $USERR1 header variable. Real variable indented for use by third-party developers.

user_real2: f64

The $USERR2 header variable. Real variable indented for use by third-party developers.

user_real3: f64

The $USERR3 header variable. Real variable indented for use by third-party developers.

user_real4: f64

The $USERR4 header variable. Real variable indented for use by third-party developers.

user_real5: f64

The $USERR5 header variable. Real variable indented for use by third-party developers.

set_ucs_to_wcs_in_d_view_or_v_point: bool

The $WORLDVIEW header variable. Set UCS to WCS during DVIEW/VPOINT.

edge_shading: ShadeEdgeMode

The $SHADEDGE header variable. Controls shading of faces. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

percent_ambient_to_diffuse: i16

The $SHADEDIF header variable. Percent ambient/diffuse light; range 1-100. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

previous_release_tile_compatability: bool

The $TILEMODE header variable. Use previous release compatibility mode. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

maximum_active_viewports: i16

The $MAXACTVP header variable. Sets the maximum number of viewports to be regenerated. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

paperspace_insertion_base: Point

The $PINSBASE header variable. Paper space insertion base point. Minimum AutoCAD version: R14.

limit_checking_in_paperspace: bool

The $PLIMCHECK header variable. Limits checking in paper space. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

paperspace_minimum_drawing_extents: Point

The $PEXTMIN header variable. Minimum X, Y, and Z extents for paper space. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

paperspace_maximum_drawing_extents: Point

The $PEXTMAX header variable. Maximum X, Y, and Z extents for paper space. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

paperspace_minimum_drawing_limits: Point

The $PLIMMIN header variable. Minimum X and Y limits in paper space. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

paperspace_maximum_drawing_limits: Point

The $PLIMMAX header variable. Maximum X and Y limits in paper space. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

display_fractions_in_input: bool

The $UNITMODE header variable. Display fractions, feet-and-inches, and surveyor’s angles in input format. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

retain_x_ref_dependent_visibility_settings: bool

The $VISRETAIN header variable. Retain xref-dependent visibility settings. Minimum AutoCAD version: R12.

is_polyline_continuous_around_verticies: bool

The $PLINEGEN header variable. Governs the generation of line type patterns around the vertices of a 2D polyline. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

scale_line_types_in_paperspace: bool

The $PSLTSCALE header variable. Controls paper space line type scaling. Minimum AutoCAD version: R11.

spacial_index_max_depth: i16

The $TREEDEPTH header variable. Specifies the maximum depth of the spatial index. Minimum AutoCAD version: R14.

pick_style: PickStyle

The $PICKSTYLE header variable. Controls the group selection and associative hatch selection. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

current_multiline_style: String

The $CMLSTYLE header variable. Current multiline style name. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13. Maximum AutoCAD version: R13.

current_multiline_justification: Justification

The $CMLJUST header variable. Current multiline justification. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

current_multiline_scale: f64

The $CMLSCALE header variable. Current multiline scale. Minimum AutoCAD version: R13.

save_proxy_graphics: bool

The $PROXYGRAPHICS header variable. Controls the saving of proxy object images. Minimum AutoCAD version: R14.

drawing_units: DrawingUnits

The $MEASUREMENT header variable. Sets drawing units. Minimum AutoCAD version: R14.

new_object_line_weight: LineWeight

The $CELWEIGHT header variable. Lineweight of new objects. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

end_cap_setting: EndCapSetting

The $ENDCAPS header variable. Lineweight endcaps setting for new objects. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

lineweight_joint_setting: JoinStyle

The $JOINSTYLE header variable. Lineweight join setting for new objects. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

display_linewieght_in_model_and_layout_tab: bool

The $LWDISPLAY header variable. Controls the display of lineweights on the Model or Layout tab. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

default_drawing_units: Units

The $INSUNITS header variable. Default drawing units for AutoCAD DesignCenter blocks. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

hyperlink_base: String

The $HYPERLINKBASE header variable. Path for all relative hyperlinks in the drawing. If null, the drawing path is used. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

stylesheet: String

The $STYLESHEET header variable. Path to the stylesheet for the drawing. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

can_use_in_place_reference_editing: bool

The $XEDIT header variable. Controls whether the current drawing can be edited in-place when being referenced by another drawing. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

new_object_plot_style_handle: Handle

The $CEPSNID header variable. PlotStyle handle of new objects. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

new_object_plot_style: PlotStyle

The $CEPSNTYPE header variable. Plot style of new objects. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

uses_color_dependent_plot_style_tables: bool

The $PSTYLEMODE header variable. Indicates whether the current drawing is in a Color-Dependent or Named Plot Style mode. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

fingerprint_guid: Uuid

The $FINGERPRINTGUID header variable. Set at creation time, uniquely identifies a particular drawing. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

version_guid: Uuid

The $VERSIONGUID header variable. Uniquely identifies a particular version of a drawing. Updated when the drawing is modified. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

use_acad2000_symbol_table_naming: bool

The $EXTNAMES header variable. Controls symbol table naming. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

viewport_view_scale_factor: f64

The $PSVPSCALE header variable. View scale factor for new viewports. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

ole_startup: bool

The $OLESTARTUP header variable. Controls whether the source application of an embedded OLE object loads when plotting. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2000.

object_sorting_methods_flags: i32

The $SORTENTS header variable. Controls the object sorting methods; accessible from the Options dialog box User Preferences tab. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

layer_and_spatial_index_save_mode: LayerAndSpatialIndexSaveMode

The $INDEXCTL header variable. Controls whether layer and spatial indexes are created and saved in drawing files. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

hide_text_objects_when_producint_hidden_view: bool

The $HIDETEXT header variable. Ignore text objects. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

is_x_ref_clipping_boundary_visible: XrefClippingBoundaryVisibility

The $XCLIPFRAME header variable. Controls the visibility of xref clipping boundaries. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004. Maximum AutoCAD version: R2007.

halo_gap_percent: f64

The $HALOGAP header variable. Specifies a gap to be displayed where an object is hidden by another object; the value is specified as a percent of one unit and is independent of the zoom level. A haloed line is shortened at the point where it is hidden when HIDE or the Hidden option of SHADEMODE is used. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

obscured_line_color: Color

The $OBSCOLOR header variable. Specifies the color of obscured lines. An obscured line is a hidden line made visible by changing its color and line type and is visible only when the HIDE or SHADEMODE command is used. The OBSCUREDCOLOR setting is visible only if the OBSCUREDLTYPE is turned ON by setting it to a value other than 0. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

obscured_line_type_style: LineTypeStyle

The $OBSLTYPE header variable. Specifies the line type of obscured lines. Obscured line types are independent of zoom level, unlike regular AutoCAD line types. Value 0 turns off display of obscured lines and is the default. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

display_intersection_polylines: bool

The $INTERSECTIONDISPLAY header variable. Specifies the display of intersection polylines. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

intersection_polyline_color: Color

The $INTERSECTIONCOLOR header variable. Specifies the entity color of intersection polylines. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

dimension_object_associativity: DimensionAssociativity

The $DIMASSOC header variable. Controls the associativity of dimension objects. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

project_name: String

The $PROJECTNAME header variable. Assigns a project name to the current drawing. Used when an external reference or image is not found on its original path. The project name points to a section in the registry that can contain one or more search paths for each project name defined. Project names and their search directories are created from the Files tab of the Options dialog box. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

use_camera_display: bool

The $CAMERADISPLAY header variable. Turns the display of camera objects on or off. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

lens_length: f64

The $LENSLENGTH header variable. Stores the length of the lens in millimeters used in perspective viewing. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

camera_height: f64

The $CAMERAHEIGHT header variable. Specifies the default height for new camera objects. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

steps_per_second_in_walk_or_fly_mode: f64

The $STEPSPERSEC header variable. Specifies the number of steps taken per second when you are in walk or fly mode. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

step_size_in_walk_or_fly_mode: f64

The $STEPSIZE header variable. Specifies the size of each step when in walk or fly mode, in drawing units. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

dwf_3d_precision: Dwf3DPrecision

The $3DDWFPREC header variable. Controls the precision of 3D DWF or 3D DWFx publishing. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

last_poly_solid_width: f64

The $PSOLWIDTH header variable. Controls the default width for a swept solid object created with the POLYSOLID command. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

last_poly_solid_height: f64

The $PSOLHEIGHT header variable. Controls the default height for a swept solid object created with the POLYSOLID command. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

loft_operation_first_draft_angle: f64

The $LOFTANG1 header variable. Sets the draft angle through the first cross section in a loft operation. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

loft_operation_second_draft_angle: f64

The $LOFTANG2 header variable. Sets the draft angle through the second cross section in a loft operation. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

loft_operation_first_magnitude: f64

The $LOFTMAG1 header variable. Sets the magnitude of the draft angle through the first cross section in a loft operation. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

loft_operation_second_magnitude: f64

The $LOFTMAG2 header variable. Sets the magnitude of the draft angle through the second cross section in a loft operation. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

loft_flags: i32

The $LOFTPARAM header variable. Controls the shape of lofted solids and surfaces. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

lofted_object_normal_mode: LoftedObjectNormalMode

The $LOFTNORMALS header variable. Controls the normals of a lofted object where it passes through cross sections. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

latitude: f64

The $LATITUDE header variable. The latitude of the geographic location assigned to the drawing. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

longitude: f64

The $LONGITUDE header variable. The longitude of the geographic location assigned to the drawing. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

angle_between_y_axis_and_north: f64

The $NORTHDIRECTION header variable. Specifies the angle between the Y axis of WCS and the grid north. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

time_zone: DrawingTimeZone

The $TIMEZONE header variable. Sets the time zone for the sun in the drawing. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

use_light_glyph_display: bool

The $LIGHTGLYPHDISPLAY header variable. Turns on and off the display of light glyphs. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

use_tile_mode_light_sync: bool

The $TILEMODELIGHTSYNCH header variable. Unknown. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

current_material_handle: Handle

The $CMATERIAL header variable. Sets the material of new objects. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

new_solids_contain_history: bool

The $SOLIDHIST header variable. Controls whether new composite solids retain a history of their original components. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

solid_history_mode: SolidHistoryMode

The $SHOWHIST header variable. Controls the Show History property for solids in a drawing. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

dwf_underlay_frame_mode: UnderlayFrameMode

The $DWFFRAME header variable. Determines whether DWF or DWFx underlay frames are visible or plotted in the current drawing. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

dgn_underlay_frame_mode: UnderlayFrameMode

The $DGNFRAME header variable. Determines whether DGN underlay frames are visible or plotted in the current drawing. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

use_real_world_scale: bool

The $REALWORLDSCALE header variable. Drawing is scaled to the real world. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

interference_object_color: Color

The $INTERFERECOLOR header variable. Represents the ACI color index of the “interference objects” created during the interfere command. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

interference_object_visual_style_pointer: Handle

The $INTERFEREOBJVS header variable. Hard-pointer ID to the visual stype for interference objects. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

interference_view_port_visual_style_pointer: Handle

The $INTERFEREVPVS header variable. Hard-pointer ID to the visual styoe for the viewport during interference checking. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

shadow_mode: ShadowMode

The $CSHADOW header variable. Shadow mode for a 3D object. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

shadow_plane_z_offset: f64

The $SHADOWPLANELOCATION header variable. Location of the ground shadow plane. This is a Z axis ordinate. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

axis_on: bool

The $AXISMODE header variable. Axis on. Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.

axis_tick_spacing: Vector

The $AXISUNIT header variable. Axis X and Y tick spacing. Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.

fast_zoom: bool

The $FASTZOOM header variable. Fast zoom enabled. Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.

grid_on: bool

The $GRIDMODE header variable. Grid mode on. Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.

grid_spacing: Vector

The $GRIDUNIT header variable. Grid X and Y spacing. Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.

snap_rotation_angle: f64

The $SNAPANG header variable. Snap grid rotation angle. Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.

snap_base_point: Point

The $SNAPBASE header variable. Snap/grid/base point (in UCS). Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.

snap_isometric_plane: SnapIsometricPlane

The $SNAPISOPAIR header variable. Isometric plane. Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.

snap_on: bool

The $SNAPMODE header variable. Snap mode on. Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.

snap_style: SnapStyle

The $SNAPSTYLE header variable. Snap style. Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.

snap_spacing: Vector

The $SNAPUNIT header variable. Snap grid X and Y spacing. Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.

view_center: Point

The $VIEWCTR header variable. XY center of current view on screen. Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.

view_direction: Vector

The $VIEWDIR header variable. Viewing direction (direction from target in WCS). Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.

view_height: f64

The $VIEWSIZE header variable. Height of view. Maximum AutoCAD version: R10.


Snap to line segment endpoints. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to line segment endpoints. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to line segment midpoints. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to line segment midpoints. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to circle and arc center points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to circle and arc center points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to nodes. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to nodes. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to circle quadrants. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to circle quadrants. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to segment intersections. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to segment intersections. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to block insertion points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to block insertion points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to perpendicular points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to perpendicular points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to tangent points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to tangent points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to nearest object points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to nearest object points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to apparent intersection points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to apparent intersection points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to extension points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to extension points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to parallel points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Snap to parallel points. Maximum AutoCAD version: R14.

Sorts for object selection. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

Sorts for object selection. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

Sorts for object snap. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

Sorts for object snap. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

Sorts for redraws. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

Sorts for redraws. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

Sorts for MSLIDE command slide creation. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

Sorts for MSLIDE command slide creation. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

Sorts for REGEN commands. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

Sorts for REGEN commands. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

Sorts for plotting. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

Sorts for plotting. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

pub fn get_sort_objects_for_post_script_output(&self) -> bool

Sorts for PostScript output. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

pub fn set_sort_objects_for_post_script_output(&mut self, val: bool)

Sorts for PostScript output. Minimum AutoCAD version: R2004.

No twist (minimizes the twist between cross sections). Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

No twist (minimizes the twist between cross sections). Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

Align direction (aligns the start to end direction of each cross section curve). Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

Align direction (aligns the start to end direction of each cross section curve). Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

Simplify (produces simple solids and surfaces, such as a cylinder or plane, instead of spline solids and surfaces). Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

Simplify (produces simple solids and surfaces, such as a cylinder or plane, instead of spline solids and surfaces). Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

Close (closes the surface or solid between the first and the last cross sections). Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

Close (closes the surface or solid between the first and the last cross sections). Minimum AutoCAD version: R2007.

Sets the default values on the header.

Ensure all values are valid.

Trait Implementations

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

The alignment of pointer.

The type for initializers.

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.