dw3000 0.2.0

A driver for DW3000 Ultra Wide Band module implementing low and high level

use embedded_hal::{blocking::spi, digital::v2::OutputPin};

use crate::{Error, Ready, Sleeping, DW3000};

impl<SPI, CS> DW3000<SPI, CS, Sleeping>
	SPI: spi::Transfer<u8> + spi::Write<u8>,
	CS: OutputPin,
	/// Wakes the radio up.
	pub fn wake_up<DELAY: embedded_hal::blocking::delay::DelayUs<u16>>(
		mut self,
		delay: &mut DELAY,
	) -> Result<DW3000<SPI, CS, Ready>, Error<SPI, CS>> {
		// Wake up using the spi
		self.ll.assert_cs_low().map_err(|e| Error::Spi(e))?;
		delay.delay_us(850 * 2);
		self.ll.assert_cs_high().map_err(|e| Error::Spi(e))?;

		// Now we must wait 4 ms so all the clocks start running.
		delay.delay_us(4000 * 2);

		// Let's check that we're actually awake now
		if self.ll.dev_id().read()?.ridtag() != 0xDECA {
			// Oh dear... We have not woken up!
			return Err(Error::StillAsleep);

		// Reset the wakeupstatus
		self.ll.sys_status().write(|w| w.slp2init(1).cplock(1))?;

		// Restore the tx antenna delay
		let delay = self.state.tx_antenna_delay;
		self.ll.tx_antd().write(|w| w.value(delay.value() as u16))?;

		// All other values should be restored, so return the ready radio.
		Ok(DW3000 {
			ll: self.ll,
			seq: self.seq,
			state: Ready,