dusk-plonk 0.13.1

A pure-Rust implementation of the PLONK ZK-Proof algorithm
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//! Permutations over Lagrange-bases for Oecumenical Noninteractive
//! arguments of Knowledge (PLONK) is a zero knowledge proof system.
//! This protocol was created by:
//! - Ariel Gabizon (Protocol Labs),
//! - Zachary J. Williamson (Aztec Protocol)
//! - Oana Ciobotaru
//! This crate contains a pure-rust implementation done by the [DuskNetwork
//! team](dusk.network) of this algorithm using as a reference implementation
//! this one done by the creators of the protocol:
//! <https://github.com/AztecProtocol/barretenberg/blob/master/barretenberg/src/aztec/plonk/>

// Bitshift/Bitwise ops are allowed to gain performance.
// Some structs do not have AddAssign or MulAssign impl.
// Witness have always the same names in respect to wires.
// Bool expr are usually easier to read with match statements.
// We have quite some functions that require quite some args by it's nature.
// It can be refactored but for now, we avoid these warns.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

if #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] {
    /// `macro_use` will declare `vec!`. However, if `libstd` is present, then this
    /// is declared in the prelude and there will be a conflicting implementation.
    /// We might have `no_std + alloc` or `std + alloc`, but `macro_use` should be
    /// used only for `no_std`
    #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), macro_use)]
    extern crate alloc;

    mod bit_iterator;
    mod permutation;
    mod util;
    mod transcript;

    pub mod constraint_system;
    pub mod composer;
    pub mod runtime;

mod fft;

#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
pub(crate) mod debugger;

pub mod commitment_scheme;
pub mod error;
pub mod prelude;
pub mod proof_system;

#[doc = include_str!("../docs/notes-intro.md")]
pub mod notes {
    #[doc = include_str!("../docs/notes-commitments.md")]
    pub mod commitment_schemes {}
    #[doc = include_str!("../docs/notes-snark.md")]
    pub mod snark_construction {}
    #[doc = include_str!("../docs/notes-prove-verify.md")]
    pub mod prove_verify {}
    #[doc = include_str!("../docs/notes-KZG10.md")]
    pub mod kzg10_docs {}