[][src]Crate dusk_kelvin_map


Dusk Kelvin Map

Binary search tree implementation with no associated value on the nodes.

It will extend the standard properties of a default BST. The worst case scenario time complexity for inserting and searching is O(n).

Currently, no delete operation is implemented. The intended transaction management is to be performed via the Kelvin storage implementation.

This map-like implementation uses Microkelvin as backend and is optimized to work under constrained/hosted environments such as WASM runtimes.


use canonical_host::MemStore;
use dusk_kelvin_map::Map;

// Create a new map u64 -> u32 that will use MemStore as storage backend
let mut map: Map<u64, u32, MemStore> = Map::default();

// Insert a new mapping 2 -> 4
let insert = "Failed to insert data.";
map.insert(2, 4).expect(insert);

// Fetch the key 2 and expect it to be 4
let traversal = "Error traversing the map.";
let no_leaf = "No valid leaf was found for the provided key.";
let value = map.get(&2).expect(traversal).expect(no_leaf);
assert_eq!(4, value);

// Replace the key 2 with 5 via `insert` method
let key = "The key was previously inserted and now should be returned as replacement.";
let old = map.insert(2, 5).expect(insert).expect(key);
let new = map.get(&2).expect(traversal).expect(no_leaf);
assert_eq!(4, old);
assert_eq!(5, new);

// Mutate the key 2 to the previous value + 2, and return the new value + 1
// Since the previous value is 5, the new value should be 7, and the returned mapping should be 8
let map_fn = "Error executing a mutable map over the value.";
let map_mutated = map
    .map_mut(&2, |v| {
        *v += 2;
        *v + 1
let value = map.get(&2).expect(traversal).expect(no_leaf);
assert_eq!(8, map_mutated);
assert_eq!(7, value);



Wrapper for the key -> value mapping the will act as leaf of the tree


Minimum working annotation for the KelvinMap.



Binary tree map-like implementation with Microkelvin set as backend

Type Definitions


KelvinMap default implementation using the minimal MapAnnotation