durian_macros 0.4.1

Macros for the durian crate for ease of creating Packet structs
# durian_macros

Macros for the `durian` crate

These should not be used alone!  The macros depend on Traits and paths defined in `durian`

## Procedural Macros

Procedural macros for easily annotating structs as [`Packets`](https://docs.rs/durian/latest/durian/trait.Packet.html) and automatically
implementing [`PacketBuilders`](https://docs.rs/durian/latest/durian/trait.PacketBuilder.html). The only
requirement is the struct must be de/serializable, meaning all nested fields also need to be

`#[bincode_packet]` will de/serialize your Packet using [`bincode`](https://docs.rs/bincode/latest/bincode/) and applies necessary derive
macros automatically for you.

use durian::bincode_packet;

// Automatically implements Packet, and generates a PositionPacketBuilder that implements 
// PacketBuilder.  You can also add other macros such as derive macros so long s they don't
// conflict with what #[bincode_packet] adds (See bincode_packet documentation).


struct Position {
    x: i32,
    y: i32

// Works for Unit (empty) structs as well

struct Ack;

You can also use the derive macros (`BinPacket` and `UnitPacket`) manually:

use durian::serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use durian::{BinPacket, UnitPacket};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, BinPacket)]

#[serde(crate = "durian::serde")]

struct Position { x: i32, y: i32 }


struct Ack;

## Declarative Macros

Regular macros for easy and concise calls to the [`PacketManager`](https://docs.rs/durian/latest/durian/struct.PacketManager.html).

These include macros for registering all your `send` and `receive` packets:

- [`register_send!(packet_manager, <send packets>...)`]`register_send`
- [`register_receive!(packet_manager, <receive packets>...)`]`register_receive`

Where the `<send packets>` a sequence of your `send` packet types, or a slice of those types, and
`<receive packets>` are a sequence of tuples containing (your `receive` packet type, the associated packet builder),
or a slice of those tuples.

### Example:

use durian::{bincode_packet, register_send, register_receive, PacketManager};

// Send packets

struct Position { x: i32, y: i32 }

struct Ack;

// Receive packets

struct UpdatePosition { x: i32, y: i32 }

struct NewMessage { message: String }

fn main() {
    let manager = PacketManager::new();
    let register_receive_results = register_receive!(
        (UpdatePosition, UpdatePositionPacketBuilder), 
        (NewMessage, NewMessagePacketBuilder)
    // Or equivalently in a slice, 
    // register_receive_results!(manager, 
    //      [(UpdatePosition, UpdatePositionPacketBuilder), (NewMessage, NewMessagePacketBuilder)]
    // );`

    let register_send_results = register_send!(manager, Position, Ack);
    // Or equivalently in a slice, `register_send!(manager, [Position, Ack]);`

    // You can then validate that all the registrations were successful:
    assert!(register_receive_results.iter().all(|r| r.is_ok()));
    assert!(register_send_results.iter().all(|r| r.is_ok()));

    // The macros used above are equivalent to the following manual registration:
    // manager.register_receive_packet::<UpdatePosition>(UpdatePositionPacketBuilder);
    // manager.register_receive_packet::<NewMessage>(NewMessagePacketBuilder);
    // manager.register_send_packet::<Position>();
    // manager.register_send_packet::<Ack>();