[][src]Crate duplicate

This crate provides the duplicate attribute-style procedural macro for code duplication with substitution.


Say you have a trait with a method is_max that should return true if the value of the object is the maximum allowed and false otherwise:

trait IsMax {
  fn is_max(&self) -> bool;

You would like to implement this trait for the three integer types u8, u16, and u32:

impl IsMax for u8 {
  fn is_max(&self) -> bool {
    *self == 255
impl IsMax for u16 {
  fn is_max(&self) -> bool {
    *self == 65_535
impl IsMax for u32 {
  fn is_max(&self) -> bool {
    *self == 4_294_967_295

This is a lot of repetition. Only the type and the maximum value are actually different between the three implementations. This might not be much in our case, but imagine doing this for all the integer types (10, as of the last count.) We can use the duplicate attribute to avoid repeating ourselves:

use duplicate::duplicate;
  int_type  [ u8 ]  [ u16 ]    [ u32 ]
  max_value [ 255 ] [ 65_535 ] [ 4_294_967_295 ]
impl IsMax for int_type {
  fn is_max(&self) -> bool {
    *self == max_value


The above code will expand to the three implementations before it. The attribute invocation specifies that the following item should be substituted by three duplicates of itself. Additionally, each occurrence of the identifier int_type in the first duplicate should be replaced by u8, in the second duplicate by u16, and in the last by u32. Likewise, each occurrence of max_value should be replaced by 255, 65_535, and 4_294_967_295 in the first, second, and third duplicates respectively.

int_type and max_value are called substitution identifiers, while [ u8 ], [ u16 ], and [ u32 ] are each substitutions for int_type. The number of duplicates made is equal to the number of substitutions the substitution identifiers have---all identifiers must have the same number of substitutions. Substitution identifiers must be valid Rust identifiers.

The code inside substitutions can be arbitrary, as long as the expanded code is valid. Additionally, any "bracket" type is valid; we could have used () or {} anywhere [] is used in these examples.

Verbose Syntax

The syntax used in the previous examples is the short syntax. duplicate also accepts a verbose syntax that is less concise, but more powerful. Using the verbose syntax, the above usage looks like this:

use duplicate::duplicate;
    int_type  [ u8 ]
    max_value [ 255 ]
    int_type  [ u16 ]
    max_value [ 65_535 ]
    int_type  [ u32 ]
    max_value [ 4_294_967_295 ]
impl IsMax for int_type {
  fn is_max(&self) -> bool {
    *self == max_value

The verbose syntax is centered around the substitution group, which then includes a set of identifier and substitution pairs. Here is an annotated version of the same code:

  [                               //-+
    int_type  [ u8 ]              // | Substitution group 1
    max_value [ 255 ]             // |
//  ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ substitution   |
//  |                                |
//  substitution identifier          |
  ]                               //-+
  [                               //-+
    int_type  [ u16 ]             // | Substitution group 2
    max_value [ 65_535 ]          // |
  ]                               //-+
  [                               //-+
    max_value [ 4_294_967_295 ]   // | Substitution group 3
    int_type  [ u32 ]             // |
  ]                               //-+

Note that in each substitution group every identifier must have exactly one substitution. Any number of groups can be given with each translating to one duplicate. All the groups must have the exact same identifiers, though the order in which they arrive in each group is not important. For example, in the annotated example, the third group has the max_value identifier before int_type without having any effect on the expanded code.

The short syntax's substitution grouping is based on the order of the substitutions for each identifier. We can annotate the short version of our example to highlight this:

#[duplicate(// vvvvvvv Group 1    vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Group3
  integer_type [ u8 ]  [ u16 ]    [ u32 ]
  max_value    [ 255 ] [ 65_535 ] [ 4_294_967_295 ]
)]//                   ^^^^^^^^^^ Group 2

The verbose syntax is not very concise but it has various advantages over the shorter syntax:

  • Individual substitution groups can be commented out easily for debugging or other purposes.
  • Because it grows horizontally, the short syntax becomes unwieldy for large numbers of duplicates, easily overflowing the 100 character line bound convension that the Rust community strives for. When this happens, either the substitutions must be aligned vertically, making it difficult to identify substitution groups, or it must be converted to the verbose to ensure line bounds are respected.
  • Along the same lines, if the contents of a substitution are long, the short syntax again suffers the same problems.
  • And lastly, the verbose syntax offers something the short doesn't: nested invocation.

Nested Invocation

Imagine we have the following trait with the method is_negative that should return true if the value of the object is negative and false otherwise:

trait IsNegative {
  fn is_negative(&self) -> bool;

We want to implement this for the six integer types u8, u16, u32, i8, i16, and i32. For the first three types, which are all unsigned, the implementation of this trait should trivially return false as can't be negative. However, for the remaining, signed types their implementation is identical (checking whether they are less than 0), but, of course, different from the firs three:

impl IsNegative for u8 {
  fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {
impl IsNegative for u16 {
  fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {
impl IsNegative for u32 {
  fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {
impl IsNegative for i8 {
  fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {
    *self < 0
impl IsNegative for i16 {
  fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {
    *self < 0
impl IsNegative for i32 {
  fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {
    *self <  0

Notice how the code repetition is split over 2 axes: 1) They all implement the same trait 2) the method implementations of the first 3 are identical to each other but different to the next 3, which are also mutually identical. To implement this using only the syntax we have already seen, we could do something like this:

    int_type [ u8 ]
    implementation [ false ]
    int_type [ u16 ]
    implementation [ false ]
    int_type [ u32 ]
    implementation [ false ]
    int_type [ i8 ]
    implementation [ *self < 0 ]
    int_type [ i16 ]
    implementation [ *self < 0 ]
    int_type [ i32 ]
    implementation [ *self < 0 ]
impl IsNegative for int_type {
  fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {


However ironically, we there had to repeat ourselves in the macro invocation instead of the code: we needed to repeat the implementations [ false ] and [ *self < 0 ] three times each. Using verbose syntax we can utilize nested invocation to remove the last bit of repetition:

    int_type_nested [u8] [u16] [u32]
      int_type [ int_type_nested ]
      implementation [ false ]
    int_type_nested [i8] [i16] [i32]
      int_type [ int_type_nested ]
      implementation [ *self < 0 ]
impl IsNegative for int_type {
  fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {


We use # to invoke the macro inside itself, producing duplicates of the code inside the following [], {}, or () for the outer invocation. We have 2 invocations that each produce 3 groups, inserting the correct implementation for their signed or unsigned types. The above nested invocation is equivalent to the previous, non-nested invocation, and actually expands to it as an intermediate step before expanding the outer-most invocation.

An important thing to notice, is that the nested invocation doesn't know it isn't the outer-most invocation and therefore doesn't discriminate between identifiers. We had to use a different identifier in the nested invocations (int_type_nested) than in the code (int_type), because the nested invocation would substitute the substitution identifier, too, instead of only substituting in the nested invocation's substitute.

Nested invocation is only possible when using verbose syntax. Additionally, the nested invocations must also produce verbose syntax. However, each nested invocation's private syntax is free to use the short one if it wants. Notice in our above example, the nested invocations used short syntax but produced verbose syntax for the outer-most invocation.

There is no limit on the depth of nesting, however, as might be clear from our example, it can get complicated to read. Additionally, the syntax used in any invocation that includes a nested invocation must be verbose.

Lastly, we should note that we can have nested invocations interleaved with normal substution groups. For example, say we want to implement IsNegative for i8, but don't want the same for i16 and i32. We could do the following:

  #[                                  // -+
    int_type_nested [u8] [u16] [u32]  //  |
  ][                                  //  |
    [                                 //  | Nested invocation producing 3
      int_type [ int_type_nested ]    //  | substitution groups
      implementation [ false ]        //  |
    ]                                 //  |
  ]                                   // -+
  [                                   // -+
    int_type [ i8 ]                   //  | Substitution group 4
    implementation [ *self < 0 ]      //  |
  ]                                   // -+
impl IsNegative for int_type {
  fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {


This crate does not try to justify or condone the usage of code duplication instead of proper abstractions. This macro should only be used where it is not possible to reduce code duplication through other means, or where it simply is not worth it.

As an example, libraries that have two or more structs/traits with similar APIs might use this macro to test them without having to copy-paste test cases and manually make the needed edits.

Attribute Macros


Duplicates and substitutes given identifiers for different code in each duplicate.