dup-crypto 0.39.1

Manage cryptographic operations for DUniter Protocols and the Duniter eco-system most broadly.
# DUP Crypto

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Manage cryptographic operations for DUniter Protocols and the Duniter eco-system most broadly.

`DUP` means DUniter Protocols.

(1): DUniter Blockchain Protocol  
(2): DUniter Network Protocol

## Features

* Rust traits to implement to any entity that can be signed.
* Base 16/58/64 encoding/decoding
* Sha256 hash function
* Secure random byte generation
* Scrypt to generate seed from credentials.
* Ed25519 functions to create and use ed25519 keypair.
* [DEWIF]https://git.duniter.org/documents/rfcs/blob/dewif/rfc/0013_Duniter_Encrypted_Wallet_Import_Format.md format read/write
* [Dubp-Mnemonic]https://git.duniter.org/documents/rfcs/blob/dubp-mnemonic/rfc/0014_Dubp_Mnemonic.md implementation.

## Documentation

Generated documentation : [https://docs.rs/dup-crypto](https://docs.rs/dup-crypto)

This documentation contains examples of code whose validity is assured (all code in the documentation is compiled on continuous integration).

## Support

If this library serves you well, you can make a donation on my Ğ1 public key `D9D2zaJoWYWveii1JRYLVK3J4Z7ZH3QczoKrnQeiM6mx`.