duct 0.4.0

a library for creating shell pipelines

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A Rust port of duct.py. Here's the crates.io package. A work in progress.

extern crate duct;

use duct::sh;

fn main() {
    // Read the name of the current git branch.
    let current_branch = sh("git symbolic-ref --short HEAD").read().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(current_branch, "master");

    // Log the current branch, with git taking over the terminal as usual.
    cmd!("git", "log", current_branch).run().unwrap();

    // Gratuitously pipe a bunch of commands together.
    let result = sh("echo -n The future")
        .then(sh("echo $HORRIFYING_ERROR >&2"))
        .env("HORRIFYING_ERROR", "was then!")
        .pipe(cmd!("sed", "s/was then/ is now/"))
    assert_eq!(result.status, 0);
    assert_eq!(result.stdout, b"The future is now!\n");
    assert_eq!(result.stderr, b"");