[][src]Struct duct::Expression

pub struct Expression(_);

The central objects in duct, Expressions are created with cmd or cmd!, combined with pipe or then, and finally executed with start, run, or read. They also support several methods to control their execution, like input, env, and unchecked.

Expressions are immutable, and they do a lot of Arc sharing internally, so all of the methods below take &self and return a new Expression cheaply.

Expressions using then and pipe form trees, and the order in which you call different methods can matter, just like it matters where you put redirections in Bash. For example, each of these expressions suppresses output differently:

// Only suppress output from the left side.
let suppress_foo = cmd!("echo", "foo").stdout_null().then(cmd!("echo", "bar"));
assert_eq!(suppress_foo.read().unwrap(), "bar");

// Only suppress output from the right side.
let suppress_bar = cmd!("echo", "foo").then(cmd!("echo", "bar").stdout_null());
assert_eq!(suppress_bar.read().unwrap(), "foo");

// Suppress output from both sides.
let suppress_both = cmd!("echo", "foo").then(cmd!("echo", "bar")).stdout_null();
assert_eq!(suppress_both.read().unwrap(), "");

This version is exactly the same, but with temporary variables to make it easier to see what's going on:

let foo = cmd!("echo", "foo");
let bar = cmd!("echo", "bar");

let foo_null = foo.stdout_null();
let bar_null = bar.stdout_null();

// Note that you can pass expressions by reference, when you're using them
// more than once.
let suppress_foo = foo_null.then(&bar);
assert_eq!(suppress_foo.read().unwrap(), "bar");

let suppress_bar = foo.then(&bar_null);
assert_eq!(suppress_bar.read().unwrap(), "foo");

let suppress_both = foo.then(bar).stdout_null();
assert_eq!(suppress_both.read().unwrap(), "");


impl Expression[src]

pub fn run(&self) -> Result<Output>[src]

Execute an expression, wait for it to complete, and return a std::process::Output object containing the results. Nothing is captured by default, but if you build the expression with stdout_capture or stderr_capture then the Output will hold those captured bytes.


In addition to all the IO errors possible with std::process::Command, run will return an ErrorKind::Other IO error if child returns a non-zero exit status. To suppress this error and return an Output even when the exit status is non-zero, use the unchecked method.


let output = cmd!("echo", "hi").stdout_capture().run().unwrap();
assert_eq!(b"hi\n".to_vec(), output.stdout);

pub fn read(&self) -> Result<String>[src]

Execute an expression, capture its standard output, and return the captured output as a String. This is a convenience wrapper around run. Like backticks and $() in the shell, read trims trailing newlines.


In addition to all the errors possible with run, read will return an ErrorKind::InvalidData IO error if the captured bytes aren't valid UTF-8.


let output = cmd!("echo", "hi").stdout_capture().read().unwrap();
assert_eq!("hi", output);

pub fn start(&self) -> Result<Handle>[src]

Start running an expression, and immediately return a Handle that represents all the child processes. This is analogous to the spawn method in the standard library. The Handle may be shared between multiple threads.


In addition to all the errors possible with std::process::Command::spawn, start can return errors from opening pipes and files. However, start will never return an error if a child process has already started. In particular, if the left side of a pipe expression starts successfully, start will always return Ok. Any errors that happen on the right side will be saved and returned later by the wait methods. That makes it safe for callers to short circuit on start errors without the risk of leaking processes.


let handle = cmd!("echo", "hi").stdout_capture().start().unwrap();
let output = handle.wait().unwrap();
assert_eq!(b"hi\n".to_vec(), output.stdout);

pub fn pipe<T: Into<Expression>>(&self, right: T) -> Expression[src]

Join two expressions into a pipe expression, where the standard output of the left will be hooked up to the standard input of the right, like | in the shell.


During execution, if one side of the pipe returns a non-zero exit status, that becomes the status of the whole pipe, similar to Bash's pipefail option. If both sides return non-zero, and one of them is unchecked, then the checked side wins. Otherwise the right side wins.


let output = cmd!("echo", "hi").pipe(cmd!("sed", "s/h/p/")).read();
assert_eq!("pi", output.unwrap());

pub fn then<T: Into<Expression>>(&self, right: T) -> Expression[src]

Join two expressions together into an "A then B" expression, like && in the shell.


During execution, if the left child returns a non-zero exit status, the right child gets skipped. You can use unchecked on the left child to make sure the right child always runs. The exit status of this expression is the status of the last child that ran. Note that kill will prevent the right side from starting if it hasn't already, even if the left side is unchecked.


// Both echoes share the same stdout, so both go through `sed`.
let output = cmd!("echo", "-n", "bar")
    .then(cmd!("echo", "baz"))
    .pipe(cmd!("sed", "s/b/f/g")).read();
assert_eq!("farfaz", output.unwrap());

pub fn input<T: Into<Vec<u8>>>(&self, input: T) -> Expression[src]

Use bytes or a string as input for an expression, like <<< in the shell. A worker thread will write the input at runtime.


// Many types implement Into<Vec<u8>>. Here's a string.
let output = cmd!("cat").input("foo").read().unwrap();
assert_eq!("foo", output);

// And here's a byte slice.
let output = cmd!("cat").input(&b"foo"[..]).read().unwrap();
assert_eq!("foo", output);

pub fn stdin<T: Into<PathBuf>>(&self, path: T) -> Expression[src]

Open a file at the given path and use it as input for an expression, like < in the shell.


// Many types implement Into<PathBuf>, including &str.
let output = cmd!("head", "-c", "3").stdin("/dev/zero").read().unwrap();
assert_eq!("\0\0\0", output);

pub fn stdin_handle<T: IntoRawFd>(&self, handle: T) -> Expression[src]

Use an already opened file or pipe as input for an expression.


let input_file = std::fs::File::open("/dev/zero").unwrap();
let output = cmd!("head", "-c", "3").stdin_handle(input_file).read().unwrap();
assert_eq!("\0\0\0", output);

pub fn stdin_null(&self) -> Expression[src]

Use /dev/null (or NUL on Windows) as input for an expression.


let output = cmd!("cat").stdin_null().read().unwrap();
assert_eq!("", output);

pub fn stdout<T: Into<PathBuf>>(&self, path: T) -> Expression[src]

Open a file at the given path and use it as output for an expression, like > in the shell.


// Many types implement Into<PathBuf>, including &str.
let path = cmd!("mktemp").read().unwrap();
cmd!("echo", "wee").stdout(&path).run().unwrap();
let mut output = String::new();
std::fs::File::open(&path).unwrap().read_to_string(&mut output).unwrap();
assert_eq!("wee\n", output);

pub fn stdout_handle<T: IntoRawFd>(&self, handle: T) -> Expression[src]

Use an already opened file or pipe as output for an expression.


let path = cmd!("mktemp").read().unwrap();
let file = std::fs::File::create(&path).unwrap();
cmd!("echo", "wee").stdout_handle(file).run().unwrap();
let mut output = String::new();
std::fs::File::open(&path).unwrap().read_to_string(&mut output).unwrap();
assert_eq!("wee\n", output);

pub fn stdout_null(&self) -> Expression[src]

Use /dev/null (or NUL on Windows) as output for an expression.


// This echo command won't print anything.
cmd!("echo", "foo", "bar", "baz").stdout_null().run().unwrap();

// And you won't get anything even if you try to read its output! The
// null redirect happens farther down in the expression tree than the
// implicit `stdout_capture`, and so it takes precedence.
let output = cmd!("echo", "foo", "bar", "baz").stdout_null().read().unwrap();
assert_eq!("", output);

pub fn stdout_capture(&self) -> Expression[src]

Capture the standard output of an expression. The captured bytes will be available on the stdout field of the std::process::Output object returned by run or wait. In the simplest cases, read can be more convenient.


// The most direct way to read stdout bytes is `stdout_capture`.
let output1 = cmd!("echo", "foo").stdout_capture().run().unwrap().stdout;
assert_eq!(&b"foo\n"[..], &output1[..]);

// The `read` method is a shorthand for `stdout_capture`, and it also
// does string parsing and newline trimming.
let output2 = cmd!("echo", "foo").read().unwrap();
assert_eq!("foo", output2)

pub fn stdout_to_stderr(&self) -> Expression[src]

Join the standard output of an expression to its standard error pipe, similar to 1>&2 in the shell.


let output = cmd!("echo", "foo").stdout_to_stderr().stderr_capture().run().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&b"foo\n"[..], &output.stderr[..]);

pub fn stderr<T: Into<PathBuf>>(&self, path: T) -> Expression[src]

Open a file at the given path and use it as error output for an expression, like 2> in the shell.


// Many types implement Into<PathBuf>, including &str.
let path = cmd!("mktemp").read().unwrap();
cmd!("sh", "-c", "echo wee >&2").stderr(&path).run().unwrap();
let mut error_output = String::new();
std::fs::File::open(&path).unwrap().read_to_string(&mut error_output).unwrap();
assert_eq!("wee\n", error_output);

pub fn stderr_handle<T: IntoRawFd>(&self, handle: T) -> Expression[src]

Use an already opened file or pipe as error output for an expression.


let path = cmd!("mktemp").read().unwrap();
let file = std::fs::File::create(&path).unwrap();
cmd!("sh", "-c", "echo wee >&2").stderr_handle(file).run().unwrap();
let mut error_output = String::new();
std::fs::File::open(&path).unwrap().read_to_string(&mut error_output).unwrap();
assert_eq!("wee\n", error_output);

pub fn stderr_null(&self) -> Expression[src]

Use /dev/null (or NUL on Windows) as error output for an expression.


// This echo-to-stderr command won't print anything.
cmd!("sh", "-c", "echo foo bar baz >&2").stderr_null().run().unwrap();

pub fn stderr_capture(&self) -> Expression[src]

Capture the error output of an expression. The captured bytes will be available on the stderr field of the Output object returned by run or wait.


let output_obj = cmd!("sh", "-c", "echo foo >&2").stderr_capture().run().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&b"foo\n"[..], &output_obj.stderr[..]);

pub fn stderr_to_stdout(&self) -> Expression[src]

Join the standard error of an expression to its standard output pipe, similar to 2>&1 in the shell.


let error_output = cmd!("sh", "-c", "echo foo >&2").stderr_to_stdout().read().unwrap();
assert_eq!("foo", error_output);

pub fn dir<T: Into<PathBuf>>(&self, path: T) -> Expression[src]

Set the working directory where the expression will execute.

Note that in some languages (Rust and Python at least), there are tricky platform differences in the way relative exe paths interact with child working directories. In particular, the exe path will be interpreted relative to the child dir on Unix, but relative to the parent dir on Windows. duct considers the Windows behavior correct, so in order to get that behavior consistently it calls std::fs::canonicalize on relative exe paths when dir is in use. Paths in this sense are any program name containing a path separator, regardless of the type. (Note also that Path and PathBuf program names get a ./ prepended to them automatically by the ToExecutable trait, and so will always contain a separator.)


Canonicalization can fail on some filesystems, or if the current directory has been removed, and run will return those errors rather than trying any sneaky workarounds.


let output = cmd!("pwd").dir("/").read().unwrap();
assert_eq!("/", output);

pub fn env<T, U>(&self, name: T, val: U) -> Expression where
    T: Into<OsString>,
    U: Into<OsString>, 

Set a variable in the expression's environment.


let output = cmd!("sh", "-c", "echo $FOO").env("FOO", "bar").read().unwrap();
assert_eq!("bar", output);

pub fn env_remove<T>(&self, name: T) -> Expression where
    T: Into<OsString>, 

Remove a variable from the expression's environment.

Note that all the environment functions try to do whatever the platform does with respect to case sensitivity. That means that env_remove("foo") will unset the uppercase variable FOO on Windows, but not on Unix.


std::env::set_var("TESTING", "true");
let output = cmd!("sh", "-c", "echo a${TESTING}b")
assert_eq!("ab", output);

pub fn full_env<T, U, V>(&self, name_vals: T) -> Expression where
    T: IntoIterator<Item = (U, V)>,
    U: Into<OsString>,
    V: Into<OsString>, 

Set the expression's entire environment, from a collection of name-value pairs (like a HashMap). You can use this method to clear specific variables for example, by collecting the parent's environment, removing some names from the collection, and passing the result to full_env. Note that some environment variables are required for normal program execution (like SystemRoot on Windows), so copying the parent's environment is usually preferable to starting with an empty one.


let mut env_map: HashMap<_, _> = std::env::vars().collect();
env_map.insert("FOO".into(), "bar".into());
let output = cmd!("sh", "-c", "echo $FOO").full_env(&env_map).read().unwrap();
assert_eq!("bar", output);
// The IntoIterator/Into<OsString> bounds are pretty flexible. Passing
// by value works here too.
let output = cmd!("sh", "-c", "echo $FOO").full_env(env_map).read().unwrap();
assert_eq!("bar", output);

pub fn unchecked(&self) -> Expression[src]

Prevent a non-zero exit status from short-circuiting a then expression or from causing run and friends to return an error. The unchecked exit code will still be there on the Output returned by run; its value doesn't change.

"Uncheckedness" sticks to an exit code as it bubbles up through complicated expressions, but it doesn't "infect" other exit codes. So for example, if only one sub-expression in a pipe has unchecked, then errors returned by the other side will still be checked. That said, most commonly you'll just call unchecked right before run, and it'll apply to an entire expression. This sub-expression stuff doesn't usually come up unless you have a big pipeline built out of lots of different pieces.


Note the differences among these three cases:

// Don't check errors on the left side.

// Don't check errors on the right side.

// Don't check errors on either side.

As in the type-level docs above, the differences are easier to spot if we split each expression up into multiple lines, although the meaning is exactly the same.

// Don't check errors on the left side.
let left = cmd!("foo").unchecked();

// Don't check errors on the right side.
let right = cmd!("bar").unchecked();

// Don't check errors on either side.
let pipeline = cmd!("foo").pipe(cmd!("bar"));

pub fn before_spawn<F>(&self, hook: F) -> Expression where
    F: Fn(&mut Command) -> Result<()> + Send + Sync + 'static, 

Add a hook for modifying std::process::Command objects immediately before they're executed.

The hook is called for each command in its sub-expression, and each time the expression is executed. The call happens after other features like stdout and env have been applied, so any changes made by the hook take priority. More than one hook can be added, in which case the innermost is executed last. For example, if one call to before_spawn is applied to an entire pipe expression, and another call is applied to just one command within the pipe, the hook for the entire pipeline will be called first over the command where both hooks apply.

This is intended for rare and tricky cases, like callers who want to change the group ID of their child processes, or who want to run code in before_exec. Most callers shouldn't need to use it.


let output = cmd!("echo", "foo")
    .before_spawn(|cmd| {
        // Sneakily add an extra argument.
assert_eq!("foo bar", output);

Trait Implementations

impl<'a> From<&'a Expression> for Expression[src]

impl Clone for Expression[src]

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Expression[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl Send for Expression

impl Sync for Expression

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> From for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

impl<T, U> TryFrom for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = !

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (try_from)

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T, U> TryInto for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (try_from)

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.