ds-transcriber 0.1.0

A crate using DeepSpeech bindings to convert mic audio from speech to text


Need an Offline Speech To Text converter?

Records your mic, and returns a String containing what was said.


  • Begins transcription after a long enough pause has been detected
  • Change the length of the pause required to begin transcription
  • Shows you the audio levels of what is being recorded so that you can...
  • Change the audio level of what you seem as silence in your environment

Ds-Transcriber is backed by the awesome cpal for streaming and nnnoiseless for audio cleanup.

Setting Up

You need to obtain the deepspeech-model (tested with 0.9.x) and the native-client for your system and add that folder to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH environment variables. See the quick start guide over at deepspeech-rs.


Add the crate to your Cargo.toml

cpal = "0.13.3"

Create a configuration wherever you want to use it

// the path where your model and native-client lie
let model_path = args().nth(1).expect("Please specify model dir");
let config = ds_transcriber::transcriber::StreamSettings {
        //value used for pause detection, a pause is detected when the amplitude is less than this
        silence_level: 200,
        // the directory of the deep speech model
        model_dir_str: model_path,
       // show the amplitude values on stdout (helps you to find your silence level)
       show_amplitudes: true,
       // seconds of silence indicating end of speech (begin transcribe when pause_length is grater than....)
       pause_length: 2.0,

After getting config ready, all you need to do is pass it to the function.:

let i_said = ds_transcriber::transcriber::transcriber::transcribe(config);
println!("I said: {}", i_said);


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