pub trait MotionProfile {
    type Velocity;
    type Delay;

    fn enter_position_mode(
        &mut self,
        max_velocity: Self::Velocity,
        num_steps: u32
    ); fn next_delay(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Delay>; fn delays(&mut self) -> Delays<'_, Self>Notable traits for Delays<'r, Profile>impl<'r, Profile> Iterator for Delays<'r, Profile> where
    Profile: MotionProfile
type Item = <Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay;
{ ... } fn velocities(&mut self) -> Velocities<'_, Self>Notable traits for Velocities<'r, Profile>impl<'r, Profile> Iterator for Velocities<'r, Profile> where
    Profile: MotionProfile,
    <Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay: Inv,
    <<Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay as Inv>::Output == <Profile as MotionProfile>::Velocity
type Item = <Profile as MotionProfile>::Velocity;
{ ... } fn accelerations<Accel>(&mut self) -> Accelerations<'_, Self, Accel>Notable traits for Accelerations<'r, Profile, Accel>impl<'r, Profile, Accel> Iterator for Accelerations<'r, Profile, Accel> where
    Profile: MotionProfile,
    <Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay: Inv,
    <Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay: Add<<Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay>,
    <Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay: Div<<Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay>,
    <Profile as MotionProfile>::Velocity: Sub<<Profile as MotionProfile>::Velocity>,
    <Profile as MotionProfile>::Velocity: Div<<Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay>,
    <Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay: Copy,
    <Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay: One,
    <<Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay as Inv>::Output == <Profile as MotionProfile>::Velocity,
    <<Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay as Add<<Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay>>::Output == <Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay,
    <<Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay as Div<<Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay>>::Output == <Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay,
    <<Profile as MotionProfile>::Velocity as Sub<<Profile as MotionProfile>::Velocity>>::Output == <Profile as MotionProfile>::Velocity,
    <<Profile as MotionProfile>::Velocity as Div<<Profile as MotionProfile>::Delay>>::Output == Accel, 
type Item = Accel;
{ ... } }
Expand description

Abstract interface for motion profiles

Implemented by all motion profiles in this library. Can be used to write abstract code that doesn’t care about the specific motion profile used.

Required Associated Types

The type used for representing velocities

The type used for representing delay values

Required Methods

Enter position mode

In position mode, the motion profile will attempt to move for a specific number of steps and come to a stand-still at the target step.

The number of steps given here is always relative to the current position, as implementations of this trait are not expected to keep track of an absolute position.

Return the next step delay

Produces the delay for the next step. The unit of this delay is implementation-defined. None is returned, if no more steps need to be taken. This should only happen, if the motion has ended.

Please note that motion profiles yield one value per step, even though only n-1 delay values are needed for n steps. The additional delay value will lead to an unnecessary delay before the first or after the last step. This was done to make accidental misuse of this trait less likely, as the most straight-forward use is to make one step per delay value in a loop.

All other details of the motion profile are implementation-defined.

If you need an iterator that produces the step delays, you can get one by calling MotionProfile::delays, which internally calls this method.

Provided Methods

Return an iterator over delay values of each step

This is a convenience method that returns an iterator which internally just calls MotionProfile::next_delay.

Return an iterator over velocity values of each step

This is a convenience method that returns an iterator which internally calls MotionProfile::next_delay and converts the delay to a velocity.

This is mainly useful for testing and debugging.

Return an iterator over the acceleration values between steps

This is a convenience method that returns an iterator which internally calls MotionProfile::next_delay and computes the acceleration from each pair of delay values.

This is mainly useful for testing and debugging.
