druid 0.8.2

Data-oriented Rust UI design toolkit.
// Copyright 2020 The xi-editor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! A type for laying out, drawing, and interacting with text.

use std::ops::Range;
use std::rc::Rc;

use super::{EnvUpdateCtx, Link, TextStorage};
use crate::kurbo::{Line, Point, Rect, Size};
use crate::piet::{
    Color, PietText, PietTextLayout, Text as _, TextAlignment, TextAttribute, TextLayout as _,
    TextLayoutBuilder as _,
use crate::{Env, FontDescriptor, KeyOrValue, PaintCtx, RenderContext, UpdateCtx};

/// A component for displaying text on screen.
/// This is a type intended to be used by other widgets that display text.
/// It allows for the text itself as well as font and other styling information
/// to be set and modified. It wraps an inner layout object, and handles
/// invalidating and rebuilding it as required.
/// This object is not valid until the [`rebuild_if_needed`] method has been
/// called. You should generally do this in your widget's [`layout`] method.
/// Additionally, you should call [`needs_rebuild_after_update`]
/// as part of your widget's [`update`] method; if this returns `true`, you will need
/// to call [`rebuild_if_needed`] again, generally by scheduling another [`layout`]
/// pass.
/// [`layout`]: crate::Widget::layout
/// [`update`]: crate::Widget::update
/// [`needs_rebuild_after_update`]: #method.needs_rebuild_after_update
/// [`rebuild_if_needed`]: #method.rebuild_if_needed
pub struct TextLayout<T> {
    text: Option<T>,
    font: KeyOrValue<FontDescriptor>,
    // when set, this will be used to override the size in he font descriptor.
    // This provides an easy way to change only the font size, while still
    // using a `FontDescriptor` in the `Env`.
    text_size_override: Option<KeyOrValue<f64>>,
    text_color: KeyOrValue<Color>,
    layout: Option<PietTextLayout>,
    wrap_width: f64,
    alignment: TextAlignment,
    links: Rc<[(Rect, usize)]>,
    text_is_rtl: bool,

/// Metrics describing the layout text.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct LayoutMetrics {
    /// The nominal size of the layout.
    pub size: Size,
    /// The distance from the nominal top of the layout to the first baseline.
    pub first_baseline: f64,
    /// The width of the layout, inclusive of trailing whitespace.
    pub trailing_whitespace_width: f64,
    //TODO: add inking_rect

impl<T> TextLayout<T> {
    /// Create a new `TextLayout` object.
    /// You must set the text ([`set_text`]) before using this object.
    /// [`set_text`]: TextLayout::set_text
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        TextLayout {
            text: None,
            font: crate::theme::UI_FONT.into(),
            text_color: crate::theme::TEXT_COLOR.into(),
            text_size_override: None,
            layout: None,
            wrap_width: f64::INFINITY,
            alignment: Default::default(),
            links: Rc::new([]),
            text_is_rtl: false,

    /// Set the default text color for this layout.
    pub fn set_text_color(&mut self, color: impl Into<KeyOrValue<Color>>) {
        let color = color.into();
        if color != self.text_color {
            self.text_color = color;
            self.layout = None;

    /// Set the default font.
    /// The argument is a [`FontDescriptor`] or a [`Key<FontDescriptor>`] that
    /// can be resolved from the [`Env`].
    /// [`Key<FontDescriptor>`]: crate::Key
    pub fn set_font(&mut self, font: impl Into<KeyOrValue<FontDescriptor>>) {
        let font = font.into();
        if font != self.font {
            self.font = font;
            self.layout = None;
            self.text_size_override = None;

    /// Set the font size.
    /// This overrides the size in the [`FontDescriptor`] provided to [`set_font`].
    /// [`set_font`]: TextLayout::set_font
    pub fn set_text_size(&mut self, size: impl Into<KeyOrValue<f64>>) {
        let size = size.into();
        if Some(&size) != self.text_size_override.as_ref() {
            self.text_size_override = Some(size);
            self.layout = None;

    /// Set the width at which to wrap words.
    /// You may pass `f64::INFINITY` to disable word wrapping
    /// (the default behaviour).
    pub fn set_wrap_width(&mut self, width: f64) {
        let width = width.max(0.0);
        // 1e-4 is an arbitrary small-enough value that we don't care to rewrap
        if (width - self.wrap_width).abs() > 1e-4 {
            self.wrap_width = width;
            self.layout = None;

    /// Set the [`TextAlignment`] for this layout.
    pub fn set_text_alignment(&mut self, alignment: TextAlignment) {
        if self.alignment != alignment {
            self.alignment = alignment;
            self.layout = None;

    /// Returns `true` if this layout's text appears to be right-to-left.
    /// See [`piet::util::first_strong_rtl`] for more information.
    /// [`piet::util::first_strong_rtl`]: crate::piet::util::first_strong_rtl
    pub fn text_is_rtl(&self) -> bool {

impl<T: TextStorage> TextLayout<T> {
    /// Create a new `TextLayout` with the provided text.
    /// This is useful when the text is not tied to application data.
    pub fn from_text(text: impl Into<T>) -> Self {
        let mut this = TextLayout::new();

    /// Returns `true` if this layout needs to be rebuilt.
    /// This happens (for instance) after style attributes are modified.
    /// This does not account for things like the text changing, handling that
    /// is the responsibility of the user.
    pub fn needs_rebuild(&self) -> bool {

    /// Set the text to display.
    pub fn set_text(&mut self, text: T) {
        if self.text.is_none() || !self.text.as_ref().unwrap().same(&text) {
            self.text_is_rtl = crate::piet::util::first_strong_rtl(text.as_str());
            self.text = Some(text);
            self.layout = None;

    /// Returns the [`TextStorage`] backing this layout, if it exists.
    pub fn text(&self) -> Option<&T> {

    /// Returns the inner Piet [`TextLayout`] type.
    /// [`TextLayout`]: crate::piet::TextLayout
    pub fn layout(&self) -> Option<&PietTextLayout> {

    /// The size of the laid-out text.
    /// This is not meaningful until [`rebuild_if_needed`] has been called.
    /// [`rebuild_if_needed`]: TextLayout::rebuild_if_needed
    pub fn size(&self) -> Size {
            .map(|layout| layout.size())

    /// Return the text's [`LayoutMetrics`].
    /// This is not meaningful until [`rebuild_if_needed`] has been called.
    /// [`rebuild_if_needed`]: TextLayout::rebuild_if_needed
    pub fn layout_metrics(&self) -> LayoutMetrics {
            "TextLayout::layout_metrics called without rebuilding layout object. Text was '{}'",
            self.text().as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()).unwrap_or_default()

        if let Some(layout) = self.layout.as_ref() {
            let first_baseline = layout.line_metric(0).unwrap().baseline;
            let size = layout.size();
            LayoutMetrics {
                trailing_whitespace_width: layout.trailing_whitespace_width(),
        } else {

    /// For a given `Point` (relative to this object's origin), returns index
    /// into the underlying text of the nearest grapheme boundary.
    pub fn text_position_for_point(&self, point: Point) -> usize {
            .map(|layout| layout.hit_test_point(point).idx)

    /// Given the utf-8 position of a character boundary in the underlying text,
    /// return the `Point` (relative to this object's origin) representing the
    /// boundary of the containing grapheme.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `text_pos` is not a character boundary.
    pub fn point_for_text_position(&self, text_pos: usize) -> Point {
            .map(|layout| layout.hit_test_text_position(text_pos).point)

    /// Given a utf-8 range in the underlying text, return a `Vec` of `Rect`s
    /// representing the nominal bounding boxes of the text in that range.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the range start or end is not a character boundary.
    pub fn rects_for_range(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> Vec<Rect> {
            .map(|layout| layout.rects_for_range(range))

    /// Return a line suitable for underlining a range of text.
    /// This is really only intended to be used to indicate the composition
    /// range while IME is active.
    /// range is expected to be on a single visual line.
    pub fn underline_for_range(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> Line {
            .map(|layout| {
                let p1 = layout.hit_test_text_position(range.start);
                let p2 = layout.hit_test_text_position(range.end);
                let line_metric = layout.line_metric(p1.line).unwrap();
                // heuristic; 1/5 of height is a rough guess at the descender pos?
                let y_pos = line_metric.baseline + (line_metric.height / 5.0);
                Line::new((p1.point.x, y_pos), (p2.point.x, y_pos))
            .unwrap_or_else(|| Line::new(Point::ZERO, Point::ZERO))

    /// Given the utf-8 position of a character boundary in the underlying text,
    /// return a `Line` suitable for drawing a vertical cursor at that boundary.
    pub fn cursor_line_for_text_position(&self, text_pos: usize) -> Line {
            .map(|layout| {
                let pos = layout.hit_test_text_position(text_pos);
                let line_metrics = layout.line_metric(pos.line).unwrap();
                let p1 = (pos.point.x, line_metrics.y_offset);
                let p2 = (pos.point.x, (line_metrics.y_offset + line_metrics.height));
                Line::new(p1, p2)
            .unwrap_or_else(|| Line::new(Point::ZERO, Point::ZERO))

    /// Returns the [`Link`] at the provided point (relative to the layout's origin) if one exists.
    /// This can be used both for hit-testing (deciding whether to change the mouse cursor,
    /// or performing some other action when hovering) as well as for retrieving a [`Link`]
    /// on click.
    /// [`Link`]: super::attribute::Link
    pub fn link_for_pos(&self, pos: Point) -> Option<&Link> {
        let (_, i) = self
            .rfind(|(hit_box, _)| hit_box.contains(pos))?;

        let text = self.text()?;

    /// Called during the containing widget's [`update`] method; this text object
    /// will check to see if any used environment items have changed,
    /// and invalidate itself as needed.
    /// Returns `true` if the text item needs to be rebuilt.
    /// [`update`]: crate::Widget::update
    pub fn needs_rebuild_after_update(&mut self, ctx: &mut UpdateCtx) -> bool {
        if ctx.env_changed() && self.layout.is_some() {
            let rebuild = ctx.env_key_changed(&self.font)
                || ctx.env_key_changed(&self.text_color)
                || self
                    .map(|k| ctx.env_key_changed(k))
                || self
                    .map(|text| text.env_update(&EnvUpdateCtx::for_update(ctx)))

            if rebuild {
                self.layout = None;

    /// Rebuild the inner layout as needed.
    /// This `TextLayout` object manages a lower-level layout object that may
    /// need to be rebuilt in response to changes to the text or attributes
    /// like the font.
    /// This method should be called whenever any of these things may have changed.
    /// A simple way to ensure this is correct is to always call this method
    /// as part of your widget's [`layout`] method.
    /// [`layout`]: crate::Widget::layout
    pub fn rebuild_if_needed(&mut self, factory: &mut PietText, env: &Env) {
        if let Some(text) = &self.text {
            if self.layout.is_none() {
                let font = self.font.resolve(env);
                let color = self.text_color.resolve(env);
                let size_override = self.text_size_override.as_ref().map(|key| key.resolve(env));

                let descriptor = if let Some(size) = size_override {
                } else {

                let builder = factory
                    .font(descriptor.family.clone(), descriptor.size)
                let layout = text.add_attributes(builder, env).build().unwrap();

                self.links = text
                    .flat_map(|(i, link)| {
                            .map(move |rect| (rect, i))

                self.layout = Some(layout);

    ///  Draw the layout at the provided `Point`.
    ///  The origin of the layout is the top-left corner.
    ///  You must call [`rebuild_if_needed`] at some point before you first
    ///  call this method.
    ///  [`rebuild_if_needed`]: #method.rebuild_if_needed
    pub fn draw(&self, ctx: &mut PaintCtx, point: impl Into<Point>) {
            "TextLayout::draw called without rebuilding layout object. Text was '{}'",
                .map(|t| t.as_str())
                .unwrap_or("layout is missing text")
        if let Some(layout) = self.layout.as_ref() {
            ctx.draw_text(layout, point);

impl<T> std::fmt::Debug for TextLayout<T> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
            .field("font", &self.font)
            .field("text_size_override", &self.text_size_override)
            .field("text_color", &self.text_color)
                if self.layout.is_some() {
                } else {

impl<T: TextStorage> Default for TextLayout<T> {
    fn default() -> Self {