druid 0.8.2

Data-oriented Rust UI design toolkit.
// Copyright 2019 The Druid Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops;
use std::sync::Arc;

use crate::Data;

/// A lens is a datatype that gives access to a part of a larger
/// data structure.
/// A simple example of a lens is a field of a struct; in this case,
/// the lens itself is zero-sized. Another case is accessing an array
/// element, in which case the lens contains the array index.
/// The most common way to create `Lens` implementations is to
/// use [`#[derive(Lens)]`](druid_derive::Lens) to access a struct's
/// fields, but custom implementations are practical as well.
/// The name "lens" is inspired by the [Haskell lens] package, which
/// has generally similar goals. It's likely we'll develop more
/// sophistication, for example combinators to combine lenses.
/// [Haskell lens]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens
pub trait Lens<T: ?Sized, U: ?Sized> {
    /// Get non-mut access to the field.
    /// Runs the supplied closure with a reference to the data. It's
    /// structured this way, as opposed to simply returning a reference,
    /// so that the data might be synthesized on-the-fly by the lens.
    fn with<V, F: FnOnce(&U) -> V>(&self, data: &T, f: F) -> V;

    /// Get mutable access to the field.
    /// This method is defined in terms of a closure, rather than simply
    /// yielding a mutable reference, because it is intended to be used
    /// with value-type data (also known as immutable data structures).
    /// For example, a lens for an immutable list might be implemented by
    /// cloning the list, giving the closure mutable access to the clone,
    /// then updating the reference after the closure returns.
    fn with_mut<V, F: FnOnce(&mut U) -> V>(&self, data: &mut T, f: F) -> V;

/// Helpers for manipulating `Lens`es
pub trait LensExt<A: ?Sized, B: ?Sized>: Lens<A, B> {
    /// Copy the targeted value out of `data`
    fn get(&self, data: &A) -> B
        B: Clone,
        self.with(data, |x| x.clone())

    /// Set the targeted value in `data` to `value`
    fn put(&self, data: &mut A, value: B)
        B: Sized,
        self.with_mut(data, |x| *x = value);

    /// Compose a `Lens<A, B>` with a `Lens<B, C>` to produce a `Lens<A, C>`
    /// ```
    /// # use druid::*;
    /// struct Foo { x: (u32, bool) }
    /// let lens = lens!(Foo, x).then(lens!((u32, bool), 1));
    /// assert_eq!(lens.get(&Foo { x: (0, true) }), true);
    /// ```
    fn then<Other, C>(self, other: Other) -> Then<Self, Other, B>
        Other: Lens<B, C> + Sized,
        C: ?Sized,
        Self: Sized,
        Then::new(self, other)

    /// Combine a `Lens<A, B>` with a function that can transform a `B` and its inverse.
    /// Useful for cases where the desired value doesn't physically exist in `A`, but can be
    /// computed. For example, a lens like the following might be used to adapt a value with the
    /// range 0-2 for use with a `Widget<f64>` like `Slider` that has a range of 0-1:
    /// ```
    /// # use druid::*;
    /// let lens = lens!((bool, f64), 1);
    /// assert_eq!(lens.map(|x| x / 2.0, |x, y| *x = y * 2.0).get(&(true, 2.0)), 1.0);
    /// ```
    /// The computed `C` may represent a whole or only part of the original `B`.
    fn map<Get, Put, C>(self, get: Get, put: Put) -> Then<Self, Map<Get, Put>, B>
        Get: Fn(&B) -> C,
        Put: Fn(&mut B, C),
        Self: Sized,
        self.then(Map::new(get, put))

    /// Invoke a type's `Deref` impl
    /// ```
    /// # use druid::*;
    /// assert_eq!(lens::Identity.deref().get(&Box::new(42)), 42);
    /// ```
    fn deref(self) -> Then<Self, Deref, B>
        B: ops::Deref + ops::DerefMut,
        Self: Sized,

    /// Invoke a type's `AsRef` and `AsMut` impl.
    /// It also allows indexing arrays with the [`index`] lens as shown in the example.
    /// This is necessary, because the `Index` trait in Rust is only implemented
    /// for slices (`[T]`), but not for arrays (`[T; N]`).
    /// # Examples
    /// Using `ref` this works:
    /// ```
    /// use druid::{widget::TextBox, Data, Lens, LensExt, Widget, WidgetExt};
    /// #[derive(Clone, Default, Data, Lens)]
    /// struct State {
    ///     data: [String; 2],
    /// }
    /// fn with_ref() -> impl Widget<State> {
    ///     TextBox::new().lens(State::data.as_ref().index(1))
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// While this fails:
    /// ```compile_fail
    /// # use druid::*;
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Default, Data, Lens)]
    /// # struct State {
    /// #     data: [String; 2],
    /// # }
    /// fn without_ref() -> impl Widget<State> {
    ///     // results in: `[std::string::String; 2]` cannot be mutably indexed by `usize`
    ///     TextBox::new().lens(State::data.index(1))
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// [`Lens`]: ./trait.Lens.html
    /// [`index`]: #method.index
    fn as_ref<T: ?Sized>(self) -> Then<Self, Ref, B>
        B: AsRef<T> + AsMut<T>,
        Self: Sized,

    /// Access an index in a container
    /// ```
    /// # use druid::*;
    /// assert_eq!(lens::Identity.index(2).get(&vec![0u32, 1, 2, 3]), 2);
    /// ```
    fn index<I>(self, index: I) -> Then<Self, Index<I>, B>
        I: Clone,
        B: ops::Index<I> + ops::IndexMut<I>,
        Self: Sized,

    /// Adapt to operate on the contents of an `Arc` with efficient copy-on-write semantics
    /// ```
    /// # use druid::*; use std::sync::Arc;
    /// let lens = lens::Identity.index(2).in_arc();
    /// let mut x = Arc::new(vec![0, 1, 2, 3]);
    /// let original = x.clone();
    /// assert_eq!(lens.get(&x), 2);
    /// lens.put(&mut x, 2);
    /// assert!(Arc::ptr_eq(&original, &x), "no-op writes don't cause a deep copy");
    /// lens.put(&mut x, 42);
    /// assert_eq!(&*x, &[0, 1, 42, 3]);
    /// ```
    fn in_arc(self) -> InArc<Self>
        A: Clone,
        B: Data,
        Self: Sized,

    /// A lens that reverses a boolean value
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use druid::*;
    /// use druid::LensExt;
    /// #[derive(Lens)]
    /// struct MyThing {
    ///     first: bool
    /// }
    /// let lens = MyThing::first.not();
    /// let mut val = MyThing { first: false };
    /// assert_eq!(lens.with(&val, |v| *v), true);
    /// lens.with_mut(&mut val, |v| *v = false);
    /// assert_eq!(val.first, true);
    /// ```
    fn not(self) -> Then<Self, Not, B>
        Self: Sized,
        B: Sized + Into<bool> + Copy,
        bool: Into<B>,

impl<A: ?Sized, B: ?Sized, T: Lens<A, B>> LensExt<A, B> for T {}

/// Lens accessing a member of some type using accessor functions
/// See also the `lens` macro.
/// ```
/// let lens = druid::lens::Field::new(|x: &Vec<u32>| &x[42], |x| &mut x[42]);
/// ```
pub struct Field<Get, GetMut> {
    get: Get,
    get_mut: GetMut,

impl<Get, GetMut> Field<Get, GetMut> {
    /// Construct a lens from a pair of getter functions
    pub fn new<T: ?Sized, U: ?Sized>(get: Get, get_mut: GetMut) -> Self
        Get: Fn(&T) -> &U,
        GetMut: Fn(&mut T) -> &mut U,
        Self { get, get_mut }

impl<T, U, Get, GetMut> Lens<T, U> for Field<Get, GetMut>
    T: ?Sized,
    U: ?Sized,
    Get: Fn(&T) -> &U,
    GetMut: Fn(&mut T) -> &mut U,
    fn with<V, F: FnOnce(&U) -> V>(&self, data: &T, f: F) -> V {

    fn with_mut<V, F: FnOnce(&mut U) -> V>(&self, data: &mut T, f: F) -> V {

/// Construct a lens accessing a type's field
/// This is a convenience macro for constructing `Field` lenses for fields or indexable elements.
/// ```
/// struct Foo { x: Bar }
/// struct Bar { y: [i32; 10] }
/// let lens = druid::lens!(Foo, x);
/// let lens = druid::lens!((u32, bool), 1);
/// let lens = druid::lens!([u8], [4]);
/// let lens = druid::lens!(Foo, x.y[5]);
/// ```
macro_rules! lens {
    ($ty:ty, [$index:expr]) => {
        $crate::lens::Field::new::<$ty, _>(move |x| &x[$index], move |x| &mut x[$index])
    ($ty:ty, $($field:tt)*) => {
        $crate::lens::Field::new::<$ty, _>(move |x| &x.$($field)*, move |x| &mut x.$($field)*)

/// `Lens` composed of two lenses joined together
#[derive(Debug, Copy)]
pub struct Then<T, U, B: ?Sized> {
    left: T,
    right: U,
    _marker: PhantomData<B>,

impl<T, U, B: ?Sized> Then<T, U, B> {
    /// Compose two lenses
    /// See also `LensExt::then`.
    pub fn new<A: ?Sized, C: ?Sized>(left: T, right: U) -> Self
        T: Lens<A, B>,
        U: Lens<B, C>,
        Self {
            _marker: PhantomData,

impl<T, U, A, B, C> Lens<A, C> for Then<T, U, B>
    A: ?Sized,
    B: ?Sized,
    C: ?Sized,
    T: Lens<A, B>,
    U: Lens<B, C>,
    fn with<V, F: FnOnce(&C) -> V>(&self, data: &A, f: F) -> V {
        self.left.with(data, |b| self.right.with(b, f))

    fn with_mut<V, F: FnOnce(&mut C) -> V>(&self, data: &mut A, f: F) -> V {
        self.left.with_mut(data, |b| self.right.with_mut(b, f))

impl<T: Clone, U: Clone, B> Clone for Then<T, U, B> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            left: self.left.clone(),
            right: self.right.clone(),
            _marker: PhantomData,

/// `Lens` built from a getter and a setter
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Map<Get, Put> {
    get: Get,
    put: Put,

impl<Get, Put> Map<Get, Put> {
    /// Construct a mapping
    /// See also `LensExt::map`
    pub fn new<A: ?Sized, B>(get: Get, put: Put) -> Self
        Get: Fn(&A) -> B,
        Put: Fn(&mut A, B),
        Self { get, put }

impl<A: ?Sized, B, Get, Put> Lens<A, B> for Map<Get, Put>
    Get: Fn(&A) -> B,
    Put: Fn(&mut A, B),
    fn with<V, F: FnOnce(&B) -> V>(&self, data: &A, f: F) -> V {

    fn with_mut<V, F: FnOnce(&mut B) -> V>(&self, data: &mut A, f: F) -> V {
        let mut temp = (self.get)(data);
        let x = f(&mut temp);
        (self.put)(data, temp);

/// `Lens` for invoking `Deref` and `DerefMut` on a type.
/// See also [`LensExt::deref`].
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Deref;

impl<T: ?Sized> Lens<T, T::Target> for Deref
    T: ops::Deref + ops::DerefMut,
    fn with<V, F: FnOnce(&T::Target) -> V>(&self, data: &T, f: F) -> V {
    fn with_mut<V, F: FnOnce(&mut T::Target) -> V>(&self, data: &mut T, f: F) -> V {

/// [`Lens`] for invoking `AsRef` and `AsMut` on a type.
/// [`LensExt::as_ref`] offers an easy way to apply this,
/// as well as more information and examples.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Ref;

impl<T: ?Sized, U: ?Sized> Lens<T, U> for Ref
    T: AsRef<U> + AsMut<U>,
    fn with<V, F: FnOnce(&U) -> V>(&self, data: &T, f: F) -> V {
    fn with_mut<V, F: FnOnce(&mut U) -> V>(&self, data: &mut T, f: F) -> V {

/// `Lens` for indexing containers
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Index<I> {
    index: I,

impl<I> Index<I> {
    /// Construct a lens that accesses a particular index
    /// See also `LensExt::index`.
    pub fn new(index: I) -> Self {
        Self { index }

impl<T, I> Lens<T, T::Output> for Index<I>
    T: ?Sized + ops::Index<I> + ops::IndexMut<I>,
    I: Clone,
    fn with<V, F: FnOnce(&T::Output) -> V>(&self, data: &T, f: F) -> V {
    fn with_mut<V, F: FnOnce(&mut T::Output) -> V>(&self, data: &mut T, f: F) -> V {
        f(&mut data[self.index.clone()])

/// The identity lens: the lens which does nothing, i.e. exposes exactly
/// the original value.
/// Useful for starting a lens combinator chain, or passing to lens-based
/// interfaces.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Identity;

impl<A: ?Sized> Lens<A, A> for Identity {
    fn with<V, F: FnOnce(&A) -> V>(&self, data: &A, f: F) -> V {

    fn with_mut<V, F: FnOnce(&mut A) -> V>(&self, data: &mut A, f: F) -> V {

/// A `Lens` that exposes data within an `Arc` with copy-on-write semantics
/// A copy is only made in the event that a different value is written.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct InArc<L> {
    inner: L,

impl<L> InArc<L> {
    /// Adapt a lens to operate on an `Arc`
    /// See also `LensExt::in_arc`
    pub fn new<A, B>(inner: L) -> Self
        A: Clone,
        B: Data,
        L: Lens<A, B>,
        Self { inner }

impl<A, B, L> Lens<Arc<A>, B> for InArc<L>
    A: Clone,
    B: Data,
    L: Lens<A, B>,
    fn with<V, F: FnOnce(&B) -> V>(&self, data: &Arc<A>, f: F) -> V {
        self.inner.with(data, f)

    fn with_mut<V, F: FnOnce(&mut B) -> V>(&self, data: &mut Arc<A>, f: F) -> V {
        let mut temp = self.inner.with(data, |x| x.clone());
        let v = f(&mut temp);
        if self.inner.with(data, |x| !x.same(&temp)) {
            self.inner.with_mut(Arc::make_mut(data), |x| *x = temp);

/// A `Lens` that always yields ().
/// This is useful when you wish to have a display only widget, require a type-erased widget, or
/// obtain app data out of band and ignore your input. (E.g sub-windows)
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Unit;

impl<T> Lens<T, ()> for Unit {
    fn with<V, F: FnOnce(&()) -> V>(&self, _data: &T, f: F) -> V {
    fn with_mut<V, F: FnOnce(&mut ()) -> V>(&self, _data: &mut T, f: F) -> V {
        f(&mut ())

/// A lens that negates a boolean.
/// It should usually be created using the `LensExt::not` method.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Not;

impl<T> Lens<T, bool> for Not
    T: Into<bool> + Copy,
    bool: Into<T>,
    fn with<V, F: FnOnce(&bool) -> V>(&self, data: &T, f: F) -> V {
        let tmp = !<T as Into<bool>>::into(*data);
    fn with_mut<V, F: FnOnce(&mut bool) -> V>(&self, data: &mut T, f: F) -> V {
        let mut tmp = !<T as Into<bool>>::into(*data);
        let out = f(&mut tmp);
        *data = (!tmp).into();

/// A lens that always gives the same value and discards changes.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Constant<T>(pub T);

impl<A, B: Clone> Lens<A, B> for Constant<B> {
    fn with<V, F: FnOnce(&B) -> V>(&self, _: &A, f: F) -> V {
    fn with_mut<V, F: FnOnce(&mut B) -> V>(&self, _: &mut A, f: F) -> V {
        let mut tmp = self.0.clone();
        f(&mut tmp)

macro_rules! impl_lens_for_tuple {
    ($(($Lens:ident, $B:ident, $i:tt)),*) => {
        impl<A, $($Lens,)* $($B,)*> Lens<A, ($($B,)*)> for ($($Lens,)*)
            $($B: Clone,)*
            $($Lens: Lens<A, $B>,)*
            fn with<V, F: FnOnce(&($($B,)*)) -> V>(&self, data: &A, f: F) -> V {
                $(let $B = self.$i.with(data, |v| v.clone());)*
                let tuple = ($($B,)*);
            fn with_mut<V, F: FnOnce(&mut ($($B,)*)) -> V>(&self, data: &mut A, f: F) -> V {
                $(let $B = self.$i.with(data, |v| v.clone());)*
                let mut tuple = ($($B,)*);
                let out = f(&mut tuple);
                let ($($B,)*) = tuple;
                $(self.$i.with_mut(data, |v| *v = $B);)*

impl_lens_for_tuple!((L0, L0B, 0), (L1, L1B, 1));
impl_lens_for_tuple!((L0, L0B, 0), (L1, L1B, 1), (L2, L2B, 2));
impl_lens_for_tuple!((L0, L0B, 0), (L1, L1B, 1), (L2, L2B, 2), (L3, L3B, 3));
    (L0, L0B, 0),
    (L1, L1B, 1),
    (L2, L2B, 2),
    (L3, L3B, 3),
    (L4, L4B, 4)
    (L0, L0B, 0),
    (L1, L1B, 1),
    (L2, L2B, 2),
    (L3, L3B, 3),
    (L4, L4B, 4),
    (L5, L5B, 5)
    (L0, L0B, 0),
    (L1, L1B, 1),
    (L2, L2B, 2),
    (L3, L3B, 3),
    (L4, L4B, 4),
    (L5, L5B, 5),
    (L6, L6B, 6)
    (L0, L0B, 0),
    (L1, L1B, 1),
    (L2, L2B, 2),
    (L3, L3B, 3),
    (L4, L4B, 4),
    (L5, L5B, 5),
    (L6, L6B, 6),
    (L7, L7B, 7)