druid 0.8.2

Data-oriented Rust UI design toolkit.
// Copyright 2019 The Druid Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! Window building and app lifecycle.

use crate::ext_event::{ExtEventHost, ExtEventSink};
use crate::kurbo::{Point, Size};
use crate::menu::MenuManager;
use crate::shell::{Application, Error as PlatformError, WindowBuilder, WindowHandle, WindowLevel};
use crate::widget::LabelText;
use crate::win_handler::{AppHandler, AppState};
use crate::window::WindowId;
use crate::{AppDelegate, Data, Env, LocalizedString, Menu, Widget};

use tracing::warn;

use druid_shell::WindowState;

/// A function that modifies the initial environment.
type EnvSetupFn<T> = dyn FnOnce(&mut Env, &T);

/// Handles initial setup of an application, and starts the runloop.
pub struct AppLauncher<T> {
    windows: Vec<WindowDesc<T>>,
    env_setup: Option<Box<EnvSetupFn<T>>>,
    l10n_resources: Option<(Vec<String>, String)>,
    delegate: Option<Box<dyn AppDelegate<T>>>,
    ext_event_host: ExtEventHost,

/// Defines how a windows size should be determined
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum WindowSizePolicy {
    /// Use the content of the window to determine the size.
    /// If you use this option, your root widget will be passed infinite constraints;
    /// you are responsible for ensuring that your content picks an appropriate size.
    /// Use the provided window size

/// Window configuration that can be applied to a WindowBuilder, or to an existing WindowHandle.
/// It does not include anything related to app data.
pub struct WindowConfig {
    pub(crate) size_policy: WindowSizePolicy,
    pub(crate) size: Option<Size>,
    pub(crate) min_size: Option<Size>,
    pub(crate) position: Option<Point>,
    pub(crate) resizable: Option<bool>,
    pub(crate) transparent: Option<bool>,
    pub(crate) show_titlebar: Option<bool>,
    pub(crate) level: Option<WindowLevel>,
    pub(crate) state: Option<WindowState>,

/// A description of a window to be instantiated.
/// This struct has builder methods to specify some window properties. Each of
/// these methods usually corresponds to a platform API call when constructing the
/// function. Except for `title()`, they have no default values and the APIS
/// won't be called if the method is not used.
pub struct WindowDesc<T> {
    pub(crate) pending: PendingWindow<T>,
    pub(crate) config: WindowConfig,
    /// The `WindowId` that will be assigned to this window.
    /// This can be used to track a window from when it is launched and when
    /// it actually connects.
    pub id: WindowId,

/// The parts of a window, pending construction, that are dependent on top level app state
/// or are not part of the `druid-shell`'s windowing abstraction.
/// This includes the boxed root widget, as well as other window properties such as the title.
pub struct PendingWindow<T> {
    pub(crate) root: Box<dyn Widget<T>>,
    pub(crate) title: LabelText<T>,
    pub(crate) transparent: bool,
    pub(crate) menu: Option<MenuManager<T>>,
    pub(crate) size_policy: WindowSizePolicy, // This is copied over from the WindowConfig
                                              // when the native window is constructed.

impl<T: Data> PendingWindow<T> {
    /// Create a pending window from any widget.
    pub fn new<W>(root: W) -> PendingWindow<T>
        W: Widget<T> + 'static,
        // This just makes our API slightly cleaner; callers don't need to explicitly box.
        PendingWindow {
            root: Box::new(root),
            title: LocalizedString::new("app-name").into(),
            menu: MenuManager::platform_default(),
            transparent: false,
            size_policy: WindowSizePolicy::User,

    /// Set the title for this window. This is a [`LabelText`]; it can be either
    /// a `String`, a [`LocalizedString`], or a closure that computes a string;
    /// it will be kept up to date as the application's state changes.
    pub fn title(mut self, title: impl Into<LabelText<T>>) -> Self {
        self.title = title.into();

    /// Set whether the background should be transparent
    pub fn transparent(mut self, transparent: bool) -> Self {
        self.transparent = transparent;

    /// Set the menu for this window.
    /// `menu` is a callback for creating the menu. Its first argument is the id of the window that
    /// will have the menu, or `None` if it's creating the root application menu for an app with no
    /// menus (which can happen, for example, on macOS).
    pub fn menu(
        mut self,
        menu: impl FnMut(Option<WindowId>, &T, &Env) -> Menu<T> + 'static,
    ) -> Self {
        self.menu = Some(MenuManager::new(menu));

impl<T: Data> AppLauncher<T> {
    /// Create a new `AppLauncher` with the provided window.
    pub fn with_window(window: WindowDesc<T>) -> Self {
        AppLauncher {
            windows: vec![window],
            env_setup: None,
            l10n_resources: None,
            delegate: None,
            ext_event_host: ExtEventHost::new(),

    /// Provide an optional closure that will be given mutable access to
    /// the environment and immutable access to the app state before launch.
    /// This can be used to set or override theme values.
    pub fn configure_env(mut self, f: impl Fn(&mut Env, &T) + 'static) -> Self {
        self.env_setup = Some(Box::new(f));

    /// Set the [`AppDelegate`].
    pub fn delegate(mut self, delegate: impl AppDelegate<T> + 'static) -> Self {
        self.delegate = Some(Box::new(delegate));

    /// Initialize a minimal logger with DEBUG max level for printing logs out to stderr.
    /// This is meant for use during development only.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the logger fails to initialize.
    #[deprecated(since = "0.8.0", note = "Use log_to_console instead")]
    pub fn use_simple_logger(self) -> Self {

    /// Initialize a minimal tracing subscriber with DEBUG max level for printing logs out to
    /// stderr.
    /// This is meant for quick-and-dirty debugging. If you want more serious trace handling,
    /// it's probably better to implement it yourself.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `enable` is `true` and the subscriber fails to initialize,
    /// for example if a `tracing`/`tracing_wasm` global logger was already set.
    /// Never panics when `enable` is `false`, or have any other side effect.
    /// Passing in false is useful if you want to enable a global logger as feature
    /// but log to console otherwise.
    pub fn start_console_logging(self, enable: bool) -> Self {
        if !enable {
            return self;
        #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
            use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;
            let filter_layer = tracing_subscriber::filter::LevelFilter::DEBUG;
            let fmt_layer = tracing_subscriber::fmt::layer()
                // Display target (eg "my_crate::some_mod::submod") with logs

        // Note - tracing-wasm might not work in headless Node.js. Probably doesn't matter anyway,
        // because this is a GUI framework, so wasm targets will virtually always be browsers.
        #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
            let config = tracing_wasm::WASMLayerConfigBuilder::new()

    /// Calls `start_console_logging` with `true`.
    pub fn log_to_console(self) -> Self {
    /// Use custom localization resource
    /// `resources` is a list of file names that contain strings. `base_dir`
    /// is a path to a directory that includes per-locale subdirectories.
    /// This directory should be of the structure `base_dir/{locale}/{resource}`,
    /// where '{locale}' is a valid BCP47 language tag, and {resource} is a `.ftl`
    /// included in `resources`.
    pub fn localization_resources(mut self, resources: Vec<String>, base_dir: String) -> Self {
        self.l10n_resources = Some((resources, base_dir));

    /// Returns an [`ExtEventSink`] that can be moved between threads,
    /// and can be used to submit commands back to the application.
    pub fn get_external_handle(&self) -> ExtEventSink {

    /// Build the windows and start the runloop.
    /// Returns an error if a window cannot be instantiated. This is usually
    /// a fatal error.
    pub fn launch(mut self, data: T) -> Result<(), PlatformError> {
        let app = Application::new()?;

        let mut env = self
            .map(|it| Env::with_i10n(it.0, &it.1))

        if let Some(f) = self.env_setup.take() {
            f(&mut env, &data);

        let mut state = AppState::new(

        for desc in self.windows {
            let window = desc.build_native(&mut state)?;

        let handler = AppHandler::new(state);

impl Default for WindowConfig {
    fn default() -> Self {
        WindowConfig {
            size_policy: WindowSizePolicy::User,
            size: None,
            min_size: None,
            position: None,
            resizable: None,
            show_titlebar: None,
            transparent: None,
            level: None,
            state: None,

impl WindowConfig {
    /// Set the window size policy.
    pub fn window_size_policy(mut self, size_policy: WindowSizePolicy) -> Self {
            // On Windows content_insets doesn't work on window with no initial size
            // so the window size can't be adapted to the content, to fix this a
            // non null initial size is set here.
            if size_policy == WindowSizePolicy::Content {
                self.size = Some(Size::new(1., 1.))
        self.size_policy = size_policy;

    /// Set the window's initial drawing area size in [display points].
    /// You can pass in a tuple `(width, height)` or a [`Size`],
    /// e.g. to create a window with a drawing area 1000dp wide and 500dp high:
    /// ```ignore
    /// window.window_size((1000.0, 500.0));
    /// ```
    /// The actual window size in pixels will depend on the platform DPI settings.
    /// This should be considered a request to the platform to set the size of the window.
    /// The platform might increase the size a tiny bit due to DPI.
    /// [`Size`]: Size
    /// [display points]: crate::Scale
    pub fn window_size(mut self, size: impl Into<Size>) -> Self {
        self.size = Some(size.into());

    /// Set the window's minimum drawing area size in [display points].
    /// The actual minimum window size in pixels will depend on the platform DPI settings.
    /// This should be considered a request to the platform to set the minimum size of the window.
    /// The platform might increase the size a tiny bit due to DPI.
    /// To set the window's initial drawing area size use [`window_size`].
    /// [`window_size`]: #method.window_size
    /// [display points]: crate::Scale
    pub fn with_min_size(mut self, size: impl Into<Size>) -> Self {
        self.min_size = Some(size.into());

    /// Set whether the window should be resizable.
    pub fn resizable(mut self, resizable: bool) -> Self {
        self.resizable = Some(resizable);

    /// Set whether the window should have a titlebar and decorations.
    pub fn show_titlebar(mut self, show_titlebar: bool) -> Self {
        self.show_titlebar = Some(show_titlebar);

    /// Sets the window position in virtual screen coordinates.
    /// [`position`] Position in pixels.
    /// [`position`]: Point
    pub fn set_position(mut self, position: Point) -> Self {
        self.position = Some(position);

    /// Sets the [`WindowLevel`] of the window
    pub fn set_level(mut self, level: WindowLevel) -> Self {
        self.level = Some(level);

    /// Sets the [`WindowState`] of the window.
    pub fn set_window_state(mut self, state: WindowState) -> Self {
        self.state = Some(state);

    /// Set whether the window background should be transparent
    pub fn transparent(mut self, transparent: bool) -> Self {
        self.transparent = Some(transparent);

    /// Apply this window configuration to the passed in WindowBuilder
    pub fn apply_to_builder(&self, builder: &mut WindowBuilder) {
        if let Some(resizable) = self.resizable {

        if let Some(show_titlebar) = self.show_titlebar {

        if let Some(size) = self.size {
        } else if let WindowSizePolicy::Content = self.size_policy {
            builder.set_size(Size::new(0., 0.));

        if let Some(position) = self.position {

        if let Some(transparent) = self.transparent {

        if let Some(level) = self.level.clone() {

        if let Some(state) = self.state {

        if let Some(min_size) = self.min_size {

    /// Apply this window configuration to the passed in WindowHandle
    pub fn apply_to_handle(&self, win_handle: &mut WindowHandle) {
        if let Some(resizable) = self.resizable {

        if let Some(show_titlebar) = self.show_titlebar {

        if let Some(size) = self.size {

        // Can't apply min size currently as window handle
        // does not support it.

        if let Some(position) = self.position {

        if self.level.is_some() {
            warn!("Applying a level can only be done on window builders");

        if let Some(state) = self.state {

impl<T: Data> WindowDesc<T> {
    /// Create a new `WindowDesc`, taking the root [`Widget`] for this window.
    pub fn new<W>(root: W) -> WindowDesc<T>
        W: Widget<T> + 'static,
        WindowDesc {
            pending: PendingWindow::new(root),
            config: WindowConfig::default(),
            id: WindowId::next(),

    /// Set the title for this window. This is a [`LabelText`]; it can be either
    /// a `String`, a [`LocalizedString`], or a closure that computes a string;
    /// it will be kept up to date as the application's state changes.
    /// If this method isn't called, the default title will be `LocalizedString::new("app-name")`.
    pub fn title(mut self, title: impl Into<LabelText<T>>) -> Self {
        self.pending = self.pending.title(title);

    /// Set the menu for this window.
    /// `menu` is a callback for creating the menu. Its first argument is the id of the window that
    /// will have the menu, or `None` if it's creating the root application menu for an app with no
    /// menus (which can happen, for example, on macOS).
    pub fn menu(
        mut self,
        menu: impl FnMut(Option<WindowId>, &T, &Env) -> Menu<T> + 'static,
    ) -> Self {
        self.pending = self.pending.menu(menu);

    /// Set the window size policy
    pub fn window_size_policy(mut self, size_policy: WindowSizePolicy) -> Self {
            // On Windows content_insets doesn't work on window with no initial size
            // so the window size can't be adapted to the content, to fix this a
            // non null initial size is set here.
            if size_policy == WindowSizePolicy::Content {
                self.config.size = Some(Size::new(1., 1.))
        self.config.size_policy = size_policy;

    /// Set the window's initial drawing area size in [display points].
    /// You can pass in a tuple `(width, height)` or a [`Size`],
    /// e.g. to create a window with a drawing area 1000dp wide and 500dp high:
    /// ```ignore
    /// window.window_size((1000.0, 500.0));
    /// ```
    /// The actual window size in pixels will depend on the platform DPI settings.
    /// This should be considered a request to the platform to set the size of the window.
    /// The platform might increase the size a tiny bit due to DPI.
    /// [display points]: crate::Scale
    pub fn window_size(mut self, size: impl Into<Size>) -> Self {
        self.config.size = Some(size.into());

    /// Set the window's minimum drawing area size in [display points].
    /// The actual minimum window size in pixels will depend on the platform DPI settings.
    /// This should be considered a request to the platform to set the minimum size of the window.
    /// The platform might increase the size a tiny bit due to DPI.
    /// To set the window's initial drawing area size use [`window_size`].
    /// [`window_size`]: #method.window_size
    /// [display points]: crate::Scale
    pub fn with_min_size(mut self, size: impl Into<Size>) -> Self {
        self.config = self.config.with_min_size(size);

    /// Builder-style method to set whether this window can be resized.
    pub fn resizable(mut self, resizable: bool) -> Self {
        self.config = self.config.resizable(resizable);

    /// Builder-style method to set whether this window's titlebar is visible.
    pub fn show_titlebar(mut self, show_titlebar: bool) -> Self {
        self.config = self.config.show_titlebar(show_titlebar);

    /// Builder-style method to set whether this window's background should be
    /// transparent.
    pub fn transparent(mut self, transparent: bool) -> Self {
        self.config = self.config.transparent(transparent);
        self.pending = self.pending.transparent(transparent);

    /// Sets the initial window position in [display points], relative to the origin
    /// of the [virtual screen].
    /// [display points]: crate::Scale
    /// [virtual screen]: crate::Screen
    pub fn set_position(mut self, position: impl Into<Point>) -> Self {
        self.config = self.config.set_position(position.into());

    /// Sets the [`WindowLevel`] of the window
    /// [`WindowLevel`]: WindowLevel
    pub fn set_level(mut self, level: WindowLevel) -> Self {
        self.config = self.config.set_level(level);

    /// Set initial state for the window.
    pub fn set_window_state(mut self, state: WindowState) -> Self {
        self.config = self.config.set_window_state(state);

    /// Set the [`WindowConfig`] of window.
    pub fn with_config(mut self, config: WindowConfig) -> Self {
        self.config = config;

    /// Attempt to create a platform window from this `WindowDesc`.
    pub(crate) fn build_native(
        state: &mut AppState<T>,
    ) -> Result<WindowHandle, PlatformError> {
        state.build_native_window(self.id, self.pending, self.config)