drogue-boot 0.1.0

A cortex-m bootloader toolkit

= Drogue Boot

This library provides (at this point, a very basic) mechanism for a 2-stage booting of an embedded ARM Cortex-M system.

Using whatever method you desire, create an embedded application to be flashed at the default initial boot location, and use Drogue Boot to boot the primary application located (linked against) the location passed as the boot partition.

For instance, using RTFM/RTIC, and RTT-based logging, a simple bootloader application for an STM Bluepill might look like:

fn entry() -> ! {
    let logger = RttLogger::new();

    let mut boot = Boot::new(0x08008000);
    logger.log_message("Booting MyApp now");


The bootloader's own memory.x places this application at 0x08000000, and boots the primary application located at 0x08008000.

== Current unsupported

Basically everything. The vector table is not yet adjusted, nor are interrupts correctly disabled.

== Future features

  • Support for on-device upgrades of the bootable image from secondary storage (or elsewhere in flash)
  • Image verification (signed hashes, etc).